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Everything posted by Modigliani.

  1. Provider asking for a picture?

    You nailed it when you said risk. I don't see much worth the risk on TOB so I very rarely partake. Lot of other resources out there.
  2. Vegas 411

    Nevada Companion I'm going to Vegas next week and was looking at various providers. Came across this site... These girls look TGTBT. It's hard to find info on them. Any info would help. Thanks!
  3. lucy 719-602-8145 Colorado Companion
  4. an info on this sexy tang?

    She lucy claims that you can verify her through an Instagram account under the name nottuhyna. It is the girl from the ad and clearly has the big 1997 on her stomach. Looks like she lives in FL or TX? The girl I was texting then tells me that she has a pornhub account and I ask for that. This gets weird Idk how this person can even think that these pass as the same people. One is Asian and the other clearly Latina.
  5. an info on this sexy tang?

    not the same girl or at least pic are not the same. tried to see Lucy. This chick is a pathological lair. Told her I was leaving a review and she told me it doesn't matter because she well reviewed and verified on Pornhub? lol Idk what that even means.
  6. Reference - Dollfacequeen

    I texted her last week and seemed nice but she required a selfie to proceed further. I passed.
  7. she post here now. Maybe she gave up on TOB?
  8. can someone please...

    I really am clueless as to who it could be... can someone pm me please? I'm always a sucker for redheads.
  9. 411 on SidWild

    creative genius? People just throw that word around these days...
  10. Reverie tel:(719)216-8594 info

    she is real
  11. ellalynn8989 info???

    theres gonna be a lot of fakes on this board now that its one of the few places left.
  12. Is Denver overated ?

    After traveling a little I'm starting feel like the Denver provider scene is a little over rated, and I feel that the rates are a bit high for what you get. An example is after checking out LA's providers scene I was a little surprised as to who and what is available. Anyone else feel this way?
  13. 411 on 7192172104

    not sure if thats the same girl
  14. 411 on 7192172104

    So I saw her a while back and there is one review for her. Shes legit or was. I tried seeing her this weekend but she stood me up once already. She said she was having troubles and could make it up to me. I doubt she will so I'll post a review later this week. Shame as shes pretty hot with a young college look to her. Good luck
  15. 411 Queen9

    I saw her post awhile ago when she was in pueblo and canyon. I texted her to see what was up and felt lit it would have been a bad fit for me, and ike two weeks later she text me begging for money so she could get a bus ticket home somewhere out of state. Her donations fluctuate a whole lot and seems to be unstable . To me these were all red flags and cant see a good session coming out of anytime spent with her.
  16. Curious about this girl....

    contacted her and she sent me her menu. She had some very interesting options on it. After seeing that list I decided she wasn't for me
  17. think she post as shes available. [snip]
  18. Pueblo info

    I've tried several times in the past to meet up with her and have never been successful. We had set times and even gave me her address but then ghosted me.
  19. I've text her. I asked if the pics are her she said yes. It sounded like she only offers safe play no GFE.
  20. Did I Ignore Your Request? Oh Jeez, Im Not sorry.

    all very good and valid points but sorry to say it just kinda comes with the job. I'm glad the ladies on here stand up for yourself but I doubt it will ever change. Every job in the world has these kind of issues. Find your clientele and ignore the rest. Sure this is a very unique business but I'd say Eat the meant and spit out the bones so to speak.(no pun intended.)
  21. Pueblo info

    I've texted her a few times and tried to set something up but nothing ever panned out. She sounds like a nice girl and no red flags other then the pics she post but shes says shes a real ginger redhead.
  22. I had something kinda odd happen to me. A newer provider that started listing on TOB peeked my interest, so I dropped her a text and sent all my screening info. She said I had to provide a pic of me touching my face. This was weird to me as I have rock solid references and reviews that go back to 2013 plus a p411. She said that it was the only way to make sure I wasn't a LE. I found this odd. As if cops cant take selfies? The newer provider has a review up so I didnt feel like it was a scam or anything but I decided to move along as this isnt my SOP. Any thoughts?
  23. Screened and vetted but still wants a pic

    The provider in question is new to this so I'm not knocking her methods but I just couldn't give a pic of myself. Its her choice conduct her screening how she wants. I recommended a p411 account to help her to that end. Be safe and smart everyone!