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Everything posted by sparkey600

  1. This One Is Going To Sting

    Just so you know, my wife likes providers as much as I do. Nice try Junior on this one. We play together on a regular basis. I agree with you, each lady gets to chose their own rate. When they regularly get NCNS, maybe it's because of their rate, or maybe it's because of an unknown circumstance, who knows. This hobby for many men is about discriminatory income, but YOU are a KERGILLINARE and don't care, good for you Junior. Glad you MADE IT BIG! And shared your fortunes with everyone on here. Nice Move, I'm sure you made you a LOT of friends in the process. Good move indeed.
  2. Want a better retirement?

    16 posts? Keep trying Junior, keep trying.
  3. This One Is Going To Sting

    Agreed baby girl.
  4. Want a better retirement?

    No one here get's Union benefits. No One. Might As Well, with all of his 9 plus posts claims to be a millionaire and everyone here falls in love with him. Is he telling the truth? I doubt it highly. All I can say is take care of you're selves. People like this steal from you but no one here really cares about that. So, live your life and do everything you can to make a few bucks. You will need that few bucks as you try to retire. Good luck to you, I'll offer no extra comments or discussions on how people might need more because nobody here seems to think that. I hope you are all smarter than that. But I think my hope is lost..... Just saying. Most folks here care about what an individual here tends to think. I for one like to help l the homeless, I and my wife do a lot of things every week. Coats, cash etc. Unions are GREAT!
  5. This One Is Going To Sting

    Agreed, and thanks for the happy Monday sentiments. Lessons learned.
  6. This One Is Going To Sting

    Some of us men are good people and are just looking to have a nice time. I know you know this. Just reminding you of this. I hope you have a nice evening and tomorrow is a great day! I get your frustration and hope you remember us guys that are good guys and just want a little fun.
  7. This One Is Going To Sting

    Yeah, I'm done with this done 100% I tried to offer my 2 cents but got shot down 100% I will never offer any "advice" again ever. Sorry all.
  8. Want a better retirement?

    It does not "smart" in any way. I've received all of the benefits I have previously outlined an no expense to myself. Ever. What do you not get here? Its's included in our hourly wage. Why is that hard for you to understand? This is one of the things that I do NOT understand. People think "Oh God. this is too good to be true" And it's a benefit we Union Members get for YEARS. Your employers have been LYING to you for years. WHY? Because they don't want you JOINING A UNION AND HAVING A BETTR LIFE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!! Why, simple because that drives up their cost. WHY because they have to pay you more. WHY? because you are now part of a collectible bargaining Union. They HATE that they have to pay you a fair wage and a decent retirement. WHY? Because greed rules this world. Happymon, It's you that doesnt't understand the "hydraulics" of economics where it pertains to regular people. I hope you get it now. The company I work for is Union and is a very successful company. I should know because I do all of the financial projections for them every month. We are a multi state company employing 2000+ Union employees that have a great work ethic. We love our partners and are lucky to have them. Our Project Management Team numbers in the hundreds. We strive to make our partners deliver their projects on time and under budget. This is our passion as a team. We love what we do. Again. Our members pay NOTHING for all of their benefits, it's included in their hourly wage. Always has, always will be. Yes, nothing is free for sure. Benefits for our Union brothers and sisters are a negotiated benefit tied to their wages. Which means nothing is withheld from their paycheck. Ever. I get what you are saying because everything does have a cost. At least this way all of the cost is predetermined into the weekly check and everyone agrees to it. Instead of making 100 bucks and hour, they make 74 bucks an hour with retirement and killer health insurance.
  9. Want a better retirement?

    Why would you call me a Union slug? You don't know my work ethic or my devotion to my customers one bit. I've BUILT my personal and processional reputation on one thing. Helping my customers succeed in their endeavors. Yeah, you are a multi millionaire because you say you are. I'm sure you are telling the truth, why would you lie?
  10. Want a better retirement?

    I'm lucky. But I made my luck happen! I hope you might have the opportunity to be in a Union in the future bud! Best wishes to you and your family!
  11. Want a better retirement?

    Sounds like you are ill informed to me. What part of better paid and all insurance and retirement paid at 100% do you not get? Just wondering? I've been a Union member for 45 plus years. Employers have been lying to people 50 plus years. Which side of the fence are you on? Curious here? Every benefit is included in our salary. Every one. I raised two kiddos with my wife 40 years at no cost, glasses, dental, health insurance. I'm going to be retiring making more money than I'm making right now. Does this sound like something that a regular employer might want for their employees? Of course YES! They love us more than money and hope for us to do better in retirement. Dude. I really like you on here, love you're posts, love how you are doing in life in general. I Absolutly HATE your take on a concept about you something you obviously have no experience with. Unions care about their members and pursuer what said membership thinks is important. Businesses try to make as much money as they can. And we wonder "why is there so much homeless" Gee, I wonder.... Nobody can live on 20 bucks an hour any more.
  12. Want a better retirement?

    You couldn't be more wrong. You sound like the old bosses I had when I was a young man "Unions are bad" "You have to pay Union dues" You don't want to do that! All a bunch of bull shit! Junior, I have to tell you something. If you trust your employer with doing what's best for you and you're family you've made a grave mistake. Employers care about one thing. They're bottom line. If you make too much money, you WILL be replaced. No matter what you're fancy pants degree sez otherwise., You will be on your own, you and the Corporation goon squad. Think about that. Me, I've been Union for almost 40 years. Going to retire making more money than I'm making now. You are making a very GRAVE mistake about you future bases on what your employer is telling you about Unions, They want to pay Absolutly less money, why wouldn't they?
  13. This One Is Going To Sting

    Agreed, which is what I was saying originally. Thanks for understanding this problem which is what I was originally trying to point out.
  14. This One Is Going To Sting

  15. This One Is Going To Sting

    Jesus! Listen Up! If you aren't making your bills LOWER your rates a little bit. If you are doing great, then stay the line. It's all about supply and demand. I deal with it every day in my world. Not trying to be an ass but this is what the real world demands. Sorry if this makes people mad. I've been in the contracting world for over 40 plus years and I can tell you it's VERY competitive. When my price is lower than my competitors, I get new work, a new job. And I hire new people, When it's higher, I have to lay off people, send them home. I really don't care what a provider asks for compensation. That's up to her to decide. I'm just trying to point out this: There are a LOT of choices men on here (and other places) can go to find an ASP. Me? I Tend to like women from here I know and like. (You know who you are) I've developed a lot of special friendships over these years. And that goes a long way for sure! Other men, I have no idea. One thing I know, I appreciate all of the ladies on here, I really do! Thanks for treating us men like we matter. Like we love to feel we matter...... Hoping everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and get's to be with family and family and friends. Blesses to you all!
  16. Want a better retirement?

    A couple of things here....If you guys aren't happy how you are represented, then vote new membership in that will represent your membership as you would like to be presented. It's pretty simple actually. What Industry do you belong to? Wondering? Local 68 IBEW can help you people when your Union is not. There is Solidarity amongst all of the trades. Reach out and you will see they will help you and your Brothers and Sisters. ALL of the Industries need to be heard. Local 68 will help you. Reach out!
  17. This One Is Going To Sting

    No worries. We're good. Sometimes things get mixed up on here. I've been guilty of this exact thing in the past.
  18. Tomorrow

    All was good, better than I could possible hope. My greatest honor as a father. We all had a great time.
  19. This One Is Going To Sting

    I agree 100%
  20. This One Is Going To Sting

    I totally agree with you on this. There are a LOT of men that don't do any homework AT ALL. And then you get the problem of NCNS. They are lazy, hammered and bored. Then they waste your time. Not all "hobbyist's" here are cut from the same bolt of cloth. Some are good men. Some are not.
  21. The End of Escorting?

    I don't know about anyone else, but I love reading. I'd be interested in this.
  22. My favorite Remix

    We did indeed! I got a few things done around here, watched thew Broncos win a NAIL BITER and looking forward to a short week, this week! Hope you are doing well pretty lady!
  23. The End of Escorting?

    How so?
  24. This One Is Going To Sting

    Hi Audrey, I'm not suggesting you should lower your rates, I'm just letting you know how thing on the other side are. I get it. Things on both sides kind of suck right now. We are ALL paying so much extra. There's a lot of men than can not afford the company of a lovely lady and respond with the dreaded NOCNS. All I'm saying. I do not like it anymore than you.
  25. This One Is Going To Sting

    Agreed. Again, I have no problem with any provider charges. I was simply pointing out why I thought there was an uptick of NCNS. Many "future" or "potential" clients when they reach out to you ladies happen to be HAMMERED! Like it or not that's the way it is. The next day they're thinking "what did I do?" and cancel or just don't show up. NCNS. I completely understand that providers have the same bills as the clients. BUT everyone here needs to understand that the clients are spending their discretionary money on this hobby. Money that they don't have