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Kalli No 5 11/10/10
Review by hushupandfuk (9 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/11/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I know that most of us feel that our time is at least worth as much as the provider in which we are seeking. Kalli feels that my time was worthy of a discount. After making an appointment and arriving at said destination she didn't answer her phone. I didn't give up and waited an additional 30 minutes. She finally texted 2hours later and we set up appointment# 2. About 30 minutes before the 2nd appointment she texted to inform me that she had moved further south. GSeveral miles south. Now, I'm a working man who values his time and feels it's worth at least something. After getting immature and rude response from Kalli I thought it best to schedule an appointment with a reputable provider. Guys beware!! She is very immature and just doesn't care!! Too many good ones out there to spend your hard earned money on!

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Jemma Kingston No 8 11/11/10
Review by Cr8v-Jeenus (19 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/12/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Karma sets in.............She's a standing member in the "Flakes-r-us" club!! Watch out for this one!! E-mailed a week ahead, set up time/date. So far so good. Three hours before that date/time she texts and says need to cancel. No problem Right? I cancel so far made all arrangements. Then 30 min later says she can do it and lets me know exit off I-25. Called and waited, and waited and called and waited....NA.Texted NA. Texted again NA. 30 min limit on all flakes. STAY AWAY from this one!!!

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Madison (720) No 1 11/12/10
Review by Horcruxy (4 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/13/10
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I was just after a quick UTF to relieve some stress, but definitely made a bad choice. Her body is so out of shape it's not even funny. The incall is filled with overflowing ashtrays and the smoke was everywhere. Her smell was gagging me as she tried to give me UTF. I couldn't stand much more than about 5 minutes before just getting up and leaving unsatisfied.

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Dallas AKA Amy AKA Katt AKA Kat AKA Caitlyn No 1 11/15/10
Review by mrbiggle (2 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/16/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Have called Caitlyn a few times over the past couple of weeks. Called between 4-5pm tonight and she picked up. She sounded rather "out of it" -- maybe just woke up or was on drugs. Can't be sure. Other reviewers indicated she was from Texas and one of her ads describes her as a "southern belle" so it may just have been her "southern drawl" that sounded "druggy" to me. Anyhow, we scheduled for 7pm appt and she told me she was one exit past S. Circle which was "Mesa Ridge Parkway" -- at least that's what I thought she said. Actually, Academy is the next exit past Circle so in less than three minute phone calls I had enough "red flags" to call it off. But I was free tonight so I figured what the hell. She described her location as a "residential apartment" not a hotel. A couple of minutes before 7pm I had just passed Circle and gave her a call. No answer. I left a message explaining I was nearby. At nearly 7:10pm I called again but no answer. I didn't leave a message as I reckoned I was being blown off. I ate a light meal at a Vietnamese restaurant in the area on the off-chance she was just tied up and would call me but no avail. Her pics were hot enough to intrigue me deep down south but don't waste your time fellas. Her ad:

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Elisa-6044 No 35 11/24/10
Review by johnbucks (1 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/25/10
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I contacted Elisa to see if she would be available, and she was very nice. I called her a few hours later to set up a meeting and she said she needed more than 30 minutes notice (45-60 minutes) so she could walk her dogs (first weird thing that happened). By the way the dogs are very beautiful and cool. I was told to call back when I approached a certain street. When I called back from the intersection there was no answer. Right after I got her voicemail she called me back claiming she was in the shower; I mean - in the shower (LOL!) - talking on her cell phone (2nd weird thing that happened). Also, she hung up on me about 4, maybe 5, times from the very first call, claiming her battery was going dead (this was a lie). She asked me to buy some booze and I agreed (). When I arrived her private apartment, she told me to let myself in and make myself at home because she was still in the bathroom (WOW! still in there at this point about an hour). She had over 50 minutes notice of our appointment at this point, maybe longer (3rd weird thing that happened). When I let myself in the dogs barked, but were harmless and one warmed up to me right away. LOL! they accidently got out and she had to call them in while in her bath coat. I sat in her living room watching TV petting the dog for approximately 15 more minutes waiting for her to finish up in the bathroom (4th weird thing). When she came out she was in a bra and panties only, and she asked me if this was ok. This was not ok, but what choice did I have? She made me a nice drink from the booze I purchased, and we proceeded to try cuddling on the sofa which started out nice for about 2 minutes. Normally I take care of business as soon as I walk in the door, but with all the distractions and waiting it seemed awkward to do so and she seemed to trust me. But, she turned on the show Jeopardy and began watching it (5th weird thing and the main turn off). I think she figured she could take control of me at my expense. At this point the meeting was turning for the worst as you can imagine, but I kept quiet on my feelings hoping I could turn things around. After about 5 minutes of cuddling on the sofa watching Jeopardy, she just got up and called me to her bedroom. This is not what I wanted. I wanted some BBBJ while I relaxed on the sofa but I had no say in the matter. But, in an effort to improve the time I complied and followed her. When in the bedroom she asked me to take care of business and I began to stupidly comply while I stated what I enjoyed. She also tried to turn on some jazy country music which was a huge - HUGE - turn off (she was actually at her stereo for about 5 minutes looking for songs. This is when she told me she could not kiss or do any type of BJ (covered or uncovered) due to a cold sore she had. She told me, I forgot to tell you, and that I could reschedule our meeting if I wanted. Then she went back into the bathroom for another 5 to 6 minutes. At this point I was ready to leave. How much time did she need in the bathroom? This lady definately has some mental problems to watch out for. When she was in the bathroom I got ready to leave. When she came out I explained in a very polite way that this was not working out and I was uncomfortable and ready to leave. She became noticeably upset, going back in the bathroom. When I was near her front door leaving, she tried to get me to pay some money and I politely refused, but told her she could keep the dollars in booze I had purchased (as though I had a choice). When I was leaving I shut the door softly and it didn't quite close so the dogs got out again (LOL!). She came outside to get the dogs, which was no big deal (this obviously happens often), and yelled at me that I let her dogs out and that she was going to report me (report me for what??? Nothing happened). Perplexed, I hurried away as quickly as possible hoping she wouldn't do anything crazy, which I believe if someone were to get into any type of arguement with this lady they would be in for some trouble. Be careful guys. I see some good reviews, but I am a calm easy going gentleman that tried my best to have a good time and got tired of trying.

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Kristi (FBSM) No 2 11/25/10
Review by Fun4Two (12 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/26/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Ive been watching Kristis post for sometime. She posted on BP escorts section for quite sometime and recently changed to the body rub section. There has also been a 411 here on the discussion board but never a review so I thought it was time to give her a visit. I called and she didnt answer and while I was leaving her a voicemail she called me. She was very nice on the phone. In fact she was a little chatty and said she was out shopping and needed some time so we agreed on a time in 2 hours. I went to the designated location and called for final directions. Called with no answer and left a voicemail. Waited another 15 minutes and called back with no answer so I cashed it in. I never received a call with an explanation. Perhaps someone will have better luck than me.

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Elisa-6044 No 35 11/26/10
Review by bouldermac (16 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/27/10
Time: 45 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: The previous reviewer that posted the weird experience was dead on with his description. I thought that can not be. There's got to be more to the story. There are a few good reviews and those postings say it is part of her charm. I am a confident educated, traveled, gentleman in financial sales. I know how to be charming and respectful. Other providers commented that I am good looking and in good shape. I have impeccable hygiene so I know that could not turn her off. I corresponded several times with Alisa by e-mail over the last few days and advised her I am not comfortable about seeing her due to the mixed reviews, She responded that she is surprised as they all should say she is fantastic. Alisa knew that I read the reviews. She kept asking me if I had any place to go as she was in no hurry to do anything. I made a mistake telling her no I have the time and I am not in a rush, To her credit her body is much actually hotter than her pictures. She is polite and offered me a bevearage. I took water only. Her body type. WOW! (hard body petite spinner) is my type of woman. She acted like a young nervous teenager during the entire time. At first she had a black dress. Then she put on some tight good looking genes. At the end of our time she took them off to get comfortable. I said to a few times we could reschedule, if she is not in the mood. She left me alone in the living room for 10 minutes and then alone in her bedroom sitting on the bed fully clothed for over 40 minutes watching some Louie comedy show on her computer while she was doing something in the bathroom or with the electrical box or laundry or I give up not sure what she was doing. After 50 minutes (most of the time I was in the bedroom alone) sitting in her bikini panties and bra (hot looking) she asked me what I wanted to do. That was my escape route as I said for the 4th or 5th time we could reschedule as I can see whe is not really interested. Let me remind you that she called me back for this appointment after I left a message and a text. She did undress to her bra and panties after 35 minutes looking very hot but not interested in a session. Maybe I should have made a move. She talked about things I had little interest in, but I am in sales so it was easy for me to act polite. Alisa left me again in the room alone for the 5th or 6th time agian. I was fully clothed the entire time. After nearly an hour I just left. Yes there were dogs there and she was late for the appointment to start with but I can live with that. In fact I could have lived with the entire episode if we got down to business. The great news is that Sealy left a message on my phone while I was there. Sealy on the other hand is one of the most highly reviewed lady in the industry. I was able to salvage the evening with Sealy. See my review on that wonderful lady. It is a 180 from this experience. All I can say this was the strangest lady (experience). Reflecting on this maybe she is does not like my type. (Older more destiguished gentleman 56 years old) Everyone says I look 15 to 20 years younger than my actual age but what do I know. If was betting I could charm this lady into doing what she advertised. The only saving grace is she did not take or ask for my money. Now that is really the oddest thing. Sorry this reads like a poorly written novel, but I had to share this as I seldon write reviews unless the provider is outstanding or well below average.

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Kristi (FBSM) No 2 11/26/10
Review by 6inchesofmean (3 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/27/10
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I finally saw this ASP advertising again on the Backpage. She hadn't advertised on the Backpage for well over a month and she had deleted all her previous ads. She usually has words like "STUNNING BLACK BEAUTY" in her ad in case she disappears again. But my review is to really let everyone know about this one! I am recommending you steer clear. She believes in up selling to the point that the session moves along and then stops to discuss additional services. Which ruins any type of mood or flow that might be going. She advertised for when I saw her. I ended up paying and the effort she put forth was luke warm at best. Her ad now reads for a body rub. It is difficult to set up an appointment with her. Her pictures are accurate and she is beautiful but the level of services for all the games she plays makes the experience not worth the effort or the cost. As always, YMMV.

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Michelle (719) No 8 11/28/10
Review by courage9401 (29 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 11/29/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Set time and place and once I drove 30 minutes to get there she never returned my calls. Next day I gave her a second chance and did the same thing. Never apologized. Waste of time.

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Mercedes (786) No 1 12/8/10
Review by big10cock (3 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 12/9/10
Time: 30 min Location: Fort CollinsIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Her pictures are not accurate. She is 100% different. A lot of stretch marks and mainly with a lots of rules during the session. Definitely a big waist of money. Bad experience...

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Hunter (from the mountains) No 1 12/20/10
Review by Gingerbreadboy (17 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 12/21/10
Time: 45 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: was in Casper for work and had seen Hunters ad a week beforehand. I made an appointment. Her ad said ESCORT. The day before my visit, she changed her ad to say MASSAGE ONLY. I hesitated as this is probably never a good sign.... and I should have listened to my instinct. I show up and she looks like her pics but heavier. Attitude is cold, almost snotty. But there's something about her pics that reminds me of a Kathy Ireland photo I masterbated alot to as a teen so I stay. for a lackluster rub and tug. I guess I can't say she didn't warn me, as her ad did change with that pesky damn disclaimer "massage only". She alluded to more being available for extra fee, but with being the entry fee to such an arrogant attitude, I did not inquire more. Live and learn. Reviews matter and sometimes I've found gems but sometimes.... sometimes I kick myself in my poorer ass

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Sabrina (720-xxx-6284) No 1 12/23/10
Review by cumomo-1786 (21 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 12/24/10
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: She is probably a ripoff. I called her one night since she was avail and close. She was easy to get a hold of and I scheduled an appt. I asked what her service is and she said she couldn't talk over the phone about it. She didn't sound enticing but I was lonely and I had some free time to kill. Her incall is in aurora and I went to meet her at i225 and iliff and it was an odd pickup. I had to drive to a small street and pick her up. She got in my car and shes young and cute but wasnt friendly. I couldn't see her body that well as it was dark and cold and she was wearing a heavy coat. cute face and I think the pics are of her. She was quiet and businesslike. Her phone kept ringing cause her pimp kept calling her, I guess. Turns out she didn't have a place and said her friend is currently using it and she wanted to do it in the car. I resisted b/c im sure once I give her the money, she give me a 2min tf and quit on me and bolt out of my car. She wanted for our date and it was a special price b/c she likes me. Her actual price was for half an hour. I didn't fall for it. She was getting upset as I drove around and think it over. Her phone rang again and she answered. I heard her say, 'He doesn't want to do it in the car.' After hanging up, she said time is money or something like that. I got a feeling she really doesn't have a room and said to call me when there's a room avail and I dropped her off. She never call back.

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Marissa-9403 No 1 12/25/10
Review by friend1 (1 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 12/26/10
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I called on the phone and got a bad vibe. Not very friendly. Showed up at the hotel. She invited me in. She was wearing pajamas and looked like a bag lady you see on the street. I made the mistake of putting my donation down. I am sorry I can't talk about it anymore. It was too disturbing. If you want a street corner bag lady to give you a HJ while texting, this is the girl for you.

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Jessie Denver No 61 12/30/10
Review by hidyhoe (1 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 12/31/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I was in Denver for 10 days over the Holidays and had texted Jessie several times and she seemed like she was going to be ready to roll. After arriving in Denver, I texted her to let her know that I was in town and no response.....again, same thing. Finally I sent her an email and she said that she had received the texts and was sorry she didnt respond. I was ok with that so we set up a date for Christmas day at noon. She sent me a text in the morning and said she was running a little behind. I was ok with that as well so we rescheduled for 2pm. Well 2pm came and went and no show, no call, nothing at all. Small panic set in because it was xmas day and I knew it would be hard to find a replacement. Thank goodness for Adriel!

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Candie No 2 1/2/11
Review by private1 (40 Reviews Submitted)

Seen on 1/3/11
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: She kept me waiting for over an hour because her "phone appointment" was on. After that all I got was her VM. WTF?!!!

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