Stevie Raye

TOB Member
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About Stevie Raye

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    Welcome Me
  1. TOB VS. Other Sites

    hello. Can you explain where and how you report.....this seems to be happening more frequent.
  2. Increased "ghosting"

    In the last week I have had several "gentlemen" book with me, and text when they arrive. I send directions on where to go from there and their phone is then immediately out of service for both calls and text. It almost seems to be the same guy with different phone numbers. It's extremely frustrating. Does anyone know of this, or have any knowledge of how this works.
  3. How to deal with threats! need support.

    Yes he is threatening to out and expose me to my children among other things. I was just hoping there was some sort of punishment with TOB. Who is the person you mentioned that I should make aware of this threat? If I have to contact the police I am certainly willing to do so, as it is a threat against my children.
  4. How to deal with threats! need support.

    I am also being threatened. A gentlemen is threatening my children. What is the protocol for someone threatening to contact your children. Can they be banned from TOB?
  5. Thank you so much for this valuable info...
  6. Over the holiday weekend I had 2 gentlemen text me wanting additional pics and wanting to meet. I politely explained fo both "gentlemen" that I was at lunch with friends and could not communicate further until I was free. (My gf was sitting right next to me at brunch). Both men became quickly infuriated and began texting verbally abusive, threatening text laced with profanity. I remained professional throughout. Both men told me they would post a terrible review, one letting me know "he trashed me". A terrible review because I told them I could send pics and text further after I was done with brunch??? What kind of individual would treat someone like this. It truly put a damper on my holiday weekend. In 10 years this is a first .....
  7. Ladies only please PM me, DTC area, rental advice