Lisa BP-9841's Profile

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Lisa BP-9841

(720) 451-6738


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
richard80020 Yes 12 1/4/15
Seen on 1/2/15
Time: 12+ hrs Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Lisa is an independent, works from her apt near downtown. She advertises in the "health and beauty" services category on BP. She offers conventional and sensual massage I liked the tone of her ad despite its rough grammar. She's very pleasant and wishes to please the client.. She is NOT a trained masseuse, but her skills are considerable nonetheless. She is NOT a FSP, just massage, though she does offer a "sensual" nude option. I enjoyed her work enough to extend the initial session to "as long as it takes" which ended up for two hours. She is not a "spinner" or large breasted, so those seeking a "hottie" needn't call. However, if you're looking for an attractive, pleasant, enthusiastic, talented (though untrained) masseuse I encourage you to try Lisa. It was a very pleasant and satisfying session.