Lisa-7943's Profile

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(720) 326-6045


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
themodman No 1 12/28/14
Seen on 12/24/14
Time: Location: BoulderIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: She falsely advertised in her post, showed up with goons, and was completely unkempt. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on the lateness. 1/10 for actually existing. I saw Lisa pop up on Backpage and decided that a rendezvous would be wonderful with a new provider. She says that she is an "independent," but clearly is pimped out. I asked her over the call if she would be showing up with anyone else, as I was not interested in ordering the "two-goon special" by mistake. She said no, and I set about preparing the bedroom for her visit. I spot-checked a few of her pics and they seemed to be okay. They only popped up sporadically and were not completely all over the place. She was about 10 minutes late, which is forgivable in my opinion; however, she pulled up with a very prominent big guy in her passenger seat and at least one more in the rear seats. Not being one to risk a robbery or fun things like that, I decided to simply not answer and blocked her forthcoming calls. On top of that, she was nowhere near as fit and toned as her pics. She had a bit of a stomach and her hair was completely unkempt. Her car was in good condition, though. I would rate this experience as downright atrocious. She had said she wasn't bringing "protection" and clearly did. Aside from the false advertising that came from her post, I've never had an outcall escort bring any goon/muscle/protection. Then again, maybe I'm just lucky. Sure, we've all encountered pictures that are more than questionable once we meet the girl, but after seeing her come up, hell, I'd be surprised if she wasn't the cheap street hooker on Colfax. As for the description above, I had neither a scale nor a detailed look at her intimate grooming. Take that with a grain of salt. But know that the girl you see in the ad is not the girl who you will meet. I said she was a "no show" because, well, she really didn't show up. The person in the ad was not the one who came to the door. I guess her "friend" she mentions in the post is her big Latino "bodyguard."