Joy 303-xxx-5114's Profile

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Joy 303-xxx-5114

(303) 591-5114


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
irisheyes Yes 18 10/31/14
Seen on 11/1/14
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Met Joy last weekend, review is long overdue. I had actually tried to book with her before seeing Cherry as sometimes they post together. I couldn't get a hold of her then but finally got through and she met me on very short-notice at a nice incall location. She is just like her pictures, young, eager/fantastic attitude, made me feel very comfortable, and easy to talk to about anything and everything. She has an athletic tennis player build, since she used to actually play tennis. All activities performed were well received. She is feisty and tight, made me pop sooner than expected. Very cool girl who even mentioned one of her other friends and booking together. I would definitely see Joy again, just a great time.