Ashleigh Love-9474's Profile

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Ashleigh Love-9474

(206) 348-4194


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
rockojohnson Yes 8 10/6/14
Seen on 10/6/14
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Her new number is 720-326-3193. The past reviews are accurate. Her breasts feel pretty nice but are quite saggy in appearance, and you can see her C-section scar. She's also non-GFE. Having said that, this girl has the best face/eyes/smile/voice combo out of any provider I've seen so far, which includes some I haven't posted reviews for. Super sexy. She was a little out of it, and acted like the tipsy hot chick at the bar, which suited me just fine since I don't always want a GFE, and it kind of added to the "let's just f***" sexiness. The progression was TF > Doggie > Mish. Simple stuff. During mish there was a pretty good amount of eye contact, even while I finished, which was awesome since again, her face is so pretty. I definitely got the feeling that YMMV. I happen to be pretty young, in fairly good shape, and can last if I'm having a good time, so once we got into it she seemed to enjoy herself and wasn't as distant. Overall I had a good time, and she's moving towards cherry creek which is in my neck of the woods, so I might see her again. Oh, last but not least, her price is very reasonable. Great bang for your buck.

carlos slim-2604 Yes 31 7/15/14
Seen on 7/14/14
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Saw Ashleigh's ad and checked out a few reviews quickly before making the appointment. Initially she did not return my texts so I had to call to get to her incall which was at a nice hotel. When she took off her clothes I found out that her pics are not totally accurate. While she is a very cute her breasts are stretched and droopy which is not a turn on for me. She also seemed to be a bit out of it and I wonder if she just woke up or was under the influence. While discussing services I found out that there is no DATY, UTF, MSOG, or even ass kissing and just some reluctant light kissing. A little TF and some quick mish and it was over and I even had to clean myself up at the end. If you're looking for a quick hit this might work at this price point, but for me the experience was underwhelming. Of course YMMV and this is solo mi dos centavos.