London-7957's Profile

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(719) 602-3683


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Likenthrope Yes 6 6/15/14
Seen on 6/16/14
Time: 15 min Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Alright, so I knew about the rip-off review prior to seeing this girl. Something about her ads made me very curious, VERY curious, so I went through with it anyway. I was bored and I couldn't sleep. Pictures are certainly her, and she is much cuter in person. Really cute actually, and seemingly very sweet. Soft spoken. She seemed gentle and kind, not what I was expecting at all. I wanted to hug her, not fuck her. Run down apartment complex in a bad part of town. Messy place. Strange smell. She greeted me at the door and led me to a back room where some guy was waiting. I was to give him the money. White guy, tall, but not overly intimidating. He did not seem to like being put in that position at all. I did as told, he left, she stripped and so did I. The room was messy like the rest of the house, but it was hot, so hot it was oppressive. She had heat lamps in there because of a plant nursery. The situation was awkward and it immediately turned me off. I laid down and she laid out the rules. Covered everything, and I mean everything. No sensuality at all. She got the condom out and I started self service, then moved on to a covered hand job. Didn't work for me, that sort of thing never does, so I stopped the session and we got dressed. She felt bad, but it was the situation as much as anything else. She was such a seemingly sweet person in such an awful place doing something she clearly did not want to be doing. Not obviously strung out either, just a forbidden subject to take care of and no other apparent means to do it. As attractive as I found her I didn't want to be there anymore, I wanted no part of it. As I left I saw at least two other guys in the apartment; one a rotund looking black guy I only saw from behind, and the other an emaciated looking young man in a wheelchair. I say maybe on the recommendation because this girl could potentially be amazing out of that environment. On an outcall perhaps, which I'll never do, as is my rule. In my opinion she is absolutely beautiful, worth painting a thousand pictures of. 10-15 years ago she would have been just my type. With a little gloss and shine, some clever marketing, a better incall location, and a minor attitude adjustment, particularly in regard to loosening up about certain intimate acts, she could make a fortune. I'll never see her again though, I wish her well, and I hope someone else out there has a wholly different experience with her than I did.

springsbrian29 No 1 6/3/14
Seen on 5/23/14
Time: 15 min Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Set up an easy incall appointment, fairly dirty apartment near Shelton and fountain, went back to the bedroom, sat dow. And tried to initiate conversation, she then demanded the donation be set on the table, so I did, she then said she had to go put it in the other room and came back a minute later saying "you have to go now" and a very unhappy thug sitting on the couch glaring, his only word to me were "you didn't do anything did you?" at which point she was raised her voice to bark get out now. Learn from the lesson I paid. She is a super hottie, but that doesn't do any good if she's a ripoff.