Alyssa Lane's Profile

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Alyssa Lane

(720) 251-9875


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
promouth2008 Yes 3 8/24/14
Seen on 8/20/14
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Now advertising as "Stella". Cute face, nicely made up. But, be aware that this is a very large girl. Ad says "athletic"(As does a previous review. Suspicious). Nope. She forgot what time we had scheduled and texted me to ask if I was running late. Incall was a low-end hotel. OK, clean enough, but, had me strip and lie down on the bedspread with no towel or anything between me and it. How would you like to be the 3rd or 4th guy of the day in that situation? Massage was OK, she claims to have had some training. But, just as we were getting rolling, she tells me to flip. I think maybe I'm going to get a show or some b-to-b contact, but, no, she goes right for the stick. Boob touching allowed, bottoms stayed on. I commented that I wanted to enjoy all of our time together, and she said "um-hmm" and just kept wanking. Finally, I just decided to get off and get out. She went for a towel, put some cold water on it, and tossed it to me for self-clean up. As I looked at the bathroom area, that was the only towel I saw, so I have to assume that it was going to be reused throughout the day! She was supposedly running a " special", and had told me on the phone that all of her sessions were an hour. The ad also says so in all caps. Between her being 5 minutes late and finishing me off quick, I barely got 20 minutes of action. Repeatedly commented that her really fun sessions were the upgrades. At least I only dropped a Benjamin on this. Her regular rates are high, so I expected more.

ExerciseJunkie Yes 52 5/18/14
Seen on 5/19/14
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Met Alyssa at a nice DTC hotel after a standard two call procedure. She had the room perfectly lit with nice candles. She was wearing some great black lingerie that accented her athletic 5'10" gorgeous body and ample chest. She has an incredibly beautiful face and sexy voice. The body rub / massage was very good and she was able to use her sports toned muscles to get all my kinks out. It was everything I was hoping for and more, all in a great value for the hour. Treat her nice fellas.