Amanda 720-XXX-7274 aka Scarlett's Profile

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Amanda 720-XXX-7274 aka Scarlett

(720) 309-7274


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (3)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
irisheyes No 18 8/10/14
Seen on 8/10/14
Time: 45 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: THE WORST EXPERIENCE I HAVE EVER HAD! I would never see this provider again, not now, not ever! I am partly to blame myself because I figured how bad could it be? and at 150 for an hour, if I paid 200, could probably get 2 pops in. Boy was I mistaken. For starters, when I called the provider I had my doubts from the get-go, she sounded like she was very very old (smoker), but I said "what the hey". Provider was also an hour late getting started due to running to a store when she knew we were scheduled. Unfortunately I knew I should be going but I still didn't, I waited. Like a lot of guys, I was thinking just about the end game and not thinking with my brain. Not to mention the area the provider lives in is a craphole, very sketchy part of town. When I did get inside the apartment......seemed like she was a hoarder because there was stuff EVERYWHERE cluttering up the apartment, I mean it was borderline disgusting. I am so to blame because I just could not muster up the courage to leave. I just had the thinking of "lets get this over with". Provider gave a crappy massage, I think she could tell though I was not into it or her, and that I was wishing I was somewhere else. Playtime started and like I've said in previous posts....I am a long-laster. That's what I like and that's what others in my personal/professional life like as well, and that's why I schedule for the hour or longer. Well, this provider was not into it, she just wanted to rush me out the door so she could just smoke another cigarette (which she said) [snip]. It seemed like every 5 minutes while in playtime she was asking me "are you almost there", where I kept responding "getting close", and eventually followed up with "if you keep asking me, I won't be, it's throwing me off". She even left the room to yell out her dog running around the craphole and seemed border-line crazy right there where I was thinking "why can't you leave, what did you get yourself into". It was just so awkward and terrible. I literally could not wait to get out of there. Again, I am to blame to for following through and not walking away, but I would never see this provider again, EVER. She literally does not need to be working in this industry. She just rides off the fact that she has parent made big titties, that are not even all that great. This is a provider who is lucky she has internet access to post, or she would be walking the streets, and probably would being doing even worse off, just a straight train wreck. She's not worth it, and this is my first terrible review. I am trying to forewarn others, find another, at 150 for an hr you can find a lot better, I know. Not going to sugarcoat something that shouldn't be sugarcoated. Flat out, I wasted my time, money, and dignity. PM me if you need to.

gntlmanbear Yes 21 5/14/14
Seen on 5/14/14
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Set up was easy, one call. I arrived at Amanda's apartment (a run down place just off Federal) there wasn't even a door knob on her apt door, but a cloth stuffed into the hole where the knob should have been. Amanda is a pretty girl a little on the heavy side. Pleasant, and gets right down to business. I was a little nervous with the neighborhood and popped as fast as I could to get out of there. There were some activities I wished that I was told were not included in the half hour session but were included in the hour session. Over all I was disappointed and will not see her again, if you do I hope your experience is better than mine.

ExerciseJunkie Yes 52 5/1/14
Seen on 4/30/14
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Wow, Amanda turned out to be a great find from BP and one of the nicest ladies you will ever meet. Two call system to a mid-level apartment in South Denver. She had a super sexy voice on the phone. Upon arrival she gave a nice hug and we retreated to her playroom. She wore a nightie that showed off what have to be some of the nicest natural breats in town. The nightie was quickly off and I was playing heartily with her incredible nipples as she moaned readily. Moved down to some great DATY / DATO where she started getting really vocal with some excellent dirty talk and a few O's. She returned the favor with enthusiastic UTF that paid attention to the nether regions as well. I could have blown right there but I needed to be inside her gorgeous kitty. Multiple positions alternating with more DATY finished with an incredible mutual release. Seriously FTF! Some nice coversation afterward. Another nice hug and I was on my way but will be back soon to experience Amanda some more. Treat her nice, fellas!