Mallory (707)'s Profile

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Mallory (707)

(707) 739-6829


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
tehotherdude No 40 10/9/13
Seen on 10/9/13
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: It's just a scam. There's no escort. Once you park at the hotel (in retrospect, she was probably not even in the building). She'll make you wait for some period of time, with some excuse, before you are told that her friend will be opening the door for you. (That is not too unusual). But it was a guy. A dumb guy. In the scam, the person who opens the door for you gives you a key card to the room and a (fake) room number. The girl is usually said to be 2 or more floors above to make you go there stalling you while the guy escapes). When he makes up a room number, he demands payment since he gave you the key to the lock (supposedly) and paid entry to pussy. Usually people fork the money at that point or the scam fails right there. You can imagine the rest. You try the key card (useless) so you knock on some total stranger's door and they get pissed. Then you realize that the douchebag is gone and so is your money. You can't complain about it either. So I flat out told him there was no way was I handing him a cent until I see her first, in the room he named, and would leave the donation only in that room. I started heading upstairs. Then he started fumbling his words and panicked trying to make up an excuse. It was getting amusing at that point... The funny thing is this guy didn't have an expired room key card. LoL so he instead handed me a "do not disturb" sign that usually sits in the key card slot when you're resting or f*cking. For a total waste of time, i'm still laughing about this! Gotta love stupid criminals. I never hand donations to anyone anyway, even the provider. That's just unwise. Leave it in the room and never even mention it. There are several 707 numbers for this scam I found during the 5 or 6 call exchange. Several different numbers, from the same chick (by voice). I hesitated and looked for more web hits. Sensing I was catching on to her, she started texting me erotic photos as soon as I hesitated. Those didn't look like her ad either. Then "her friend" (just some dude, in a Geek Squad jacket) was opening the back door for me. If it was a another escort (a female) who was traveling with her, maybe it wouldn't have been quite so weird. You usually don't ever see the pimp because that's bad for biz. But I had to deal with this weird guy pretending to be a pimp--no one should ever have to talk to a pimp--He even claimed he had 4 other girls in that hotel. If you have to talk to some dude (anyone other than the provider herself) to get the room number once you're already there, just stop. Leave. Refusing to listen to him and throwing the do not disturb sign in his face, I started heading up the stairs while raising my voice at him close enough to the front desk at which point he hauled ass out of the back entrance.