Lilly Martin's Profile

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Lilly Martin

(720) 454-9850


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (3)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Riot Fan Yes 4 12/8/13
Seen on 12/6/13
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: My plans changed suddenly and I had some availability in the morning, so I sent Lilly an appointment request. She responded promptly and surprisingly had some time even on such short notice. We agreed to meet at her very upscale and discreet incall with a convenient location. She could tell I was a bit tense and nervous being our first meeting and she instantly put me at ease. We chatted a bit, relaxed and got very comfortable. She has an awesome personality and great curves, which were fun to explore. She was extremely accommodating and very passionate. There was no pressure, no rush and it was an all around great time spent together.

rocketmanco901 Yes 35 9/9/13
Seen on 9/9/13
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: This review is a couple weeks overdue as I've been hobbying extra for my birthday. I'd wanted to see Ms Martin for the longest time. When she opened the door and was wearing one of my favorite outfits my jaw hit the floor! What a sexy young lady to spend time with. I look forward to seeing her again. Thanks Lilly for a great start to my birthday hobbying.

Dogmatic Yes 17 8/10/13
Seen on 8/9/13
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I've seen Lilly a half dozen times, and each time is better than before. I saw her yesterday and we had an incredible time. She is fluent in my favorite language, the tongue of my ancestors, and I'd have to rank yesterday's lesson as the best I've ever taken, in terms of duration and proficiency. I gave her an extended linguistics course that was mutually enjoyable, and we transitioned to multi-positional exercises, each one of which was pleasurable. For me she's elite, and I can't give a higher recommendation.