Summer Diamond's Profile

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Summer Diamond

(951) 293-4637


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
lvnewguy No 24 6/28/12
Seen on 6/29/12
Time: Location: Las VegasIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I called (951-293-4637) the lady "Summer" in the first backpage add and got a full voicemail. About 40 minutes later I get a call back from a different phone number with the same prefix (951-241-6298) from a pleasant sounding lady explaining she is calling me from her friend's phone but that it is indeed Summer I am talking too. I ran a search on the second phone number and it was reviewed on LV Fever so I figured I would proceed and set an incall appointment. We discussed the location and I stated I would be there in an hour's time. I asked her which phone she wanted me to call her on when I arrived and she said the latter number. One hour later I call the number and I get a full voicemail, a few minutes later I get the same thing. I know people have phone issues and I am a respectable person so I waited in the parking lot another 15 minutes, for a total of 30 minutes now, and tried both numbers only to get full voicemails. I find it rather rude to be stood up and waste my time doing this sort of nonsense. If the lady is spooked or wants to cancel, the least she could do is call back or send a text stating its off, they dont need to explain anything. The entire dont answer the phone and dont call back thing is completely rude. That being said, I wouldnt waste my time with this provider. I am a little disappointed, the lady in the add looked cute. If she contacts me and attempts service recovery I will retract this bad review inform all of you guys. I am not holding my breath.