Cassie (720)'s Profile

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Cassie (720)

(720) 448-0378


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
headluva69 Yes 1 7/2/13
Seen on 6/28/13
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I see Cassie post a lot so decided to give her ah try an man was it worth it,she came to my residents for outcall for the half hour but I ended up having her staying the full hour Cassie is a lot of fun an has amazing eyes she good at what she does I'm considering seeing here on a regular she so fucking hot!!!!!!

303thickgirllover Yes 21 5/10/12
Seen on 5/11/12
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I have seen "Cassie" advertise for several months now always with the same few pictures. It was pretty consistent so eventually I decided to try her out. Called and talked with her and decided I would definitely go for it. Got her rates and decided to go for the over the . Got directions and it turns out that she wasn't in the advertised city (Aurora). I should have guessed something was up right there but went with it. Called when I got to the general area to get the exact location (a mediocre hotel). Five minutes later I called a third time (something I really hate when setting these up) and got her room number. Went and knocked on the door. Was completely surprised by the woman standing on the other side. Looked absolutely nothing like the advertised pictures. Different hair color, length, different body type and even different ethnicity. Don't get me wrong, she was still attractive, just not what I was looking for. I almost left then but decided that I wasn't going to let my 25 minute drive go to waste. Got in, she locked the door and I looked down to have 2 little puppies run up and start jumping on me. I'm fine with most animals and have no issue with dogs, but it's weird in this kind of situation. We made a little small talk about the dogs then got down to business as she put them into the bathroom. I'm very much an oral guy, giving it turns me on a lot more and faster than someone rubbing and stroking me. I asked her if she would allow that and was given an emphatic "NO". So I laid back and let her work on getting things started up. Not very good TF. When I was up she said either doggy or mish. no other options. another issue for me. I love being ridden. Whatever, went mish and immediately got the fakest sounding moans I've ever heard. Facial expression didn't change at all. A couple minutes into the action the dogs started whining at the bathroom door. not a little, a lot. Enough that I was certain the neighbors were going to come see what was going on. I stopped to see if there was something wrong and she started getting dressed. I said I wasn't finished and my time wasn't done. She just said oh ok and sat back down. Told her to lay on her stomach and went laying doggy style, pushing her cheeks together to give myself that extra sensation. I busted and sat next to her on the bed and stroked her back a little. she asked if I was done then went to let the dogs out. No help cleaning up (I guess I'm a little spoiled from other providers). The two worst parts of this entire experience for me was as soon as she let the dogs out, she answered her phone and talked to the next client. I was really tempted to tell her that we still had some time left but instead went into the bathroom to clean myself up where the other worst part happened. I noticed the toilet was used but not flushed. after that, I got dressed and left as soon as I could. Looked at my watch and from the moment I walked in to walking out only 15 minutes had passed. Should have gone for the 20 minute deal I guess. Now, other than the fake pictures, YMMV on the other services. Just way too many negatives for me to come back.