Nadia/ Co Spg/ KY 719-646-8005's Profile

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Nadia/ Co Spg/ KY 719-646-8005

(719) 646-8005


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
BrosHoes No 4 1/3/12
Seen on 1/4/12
Time: 30 min Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Nadia isn't much of an extrovert. I waited outside her apartment because she said she would be waiting out front. After 10 minutes of waiting, I knocked on her door. She anwsered her door with phone in hand ans if she was texting someone. I begin to sit on the couch and was told the couch was broken. I saw some photography books and tried to make small talk about cameras and such. She instructs me to lift up my shirt and turn a full circle. She isn't looking at me the whole time just at her phone screen. She tells me we are going to have to use the floor since the couch is broke. She seems to be rushing me, no eye contact, no sence of connection, she can care less about smiling and making someone feel comfortable. Not much of a conversationalist although she swears to be an intellect. I had a hard time getting it up, she didn't seem interested in the challenge, and said my time was up. I felt as if my time was cut short because she didn't have my full attention. Shes a 3G for sure. You better have a raging hardon when you meet her, because she isn't much of a talker or instigator. Small cute package, but no personality at all. I asked her how flexible she was since her ad mentioned it and just got a shrug of the shoulders as if it was nothing she wanted to she me. A dud of a firework. This all took place around a year and a half ago, sorry for the late review.