Parker Star's Profile

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Parker Star

(720) 971-9871


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
username-7884 No 2 12/25/11
Seen on 12/26/11
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: So I guess I learned my lesson about not checking reviews lol. I have not seen many service providers but have been on the other end for a couple years as a driver. I was texting Parker Star, or Parker of Parker w/e she keeps changing her number I'm sure due to her horrible reviews. So if you see ANY Parker reviews on here, chances are it is for the same girl. Anyways I texted set up a time and incall 80 for a hh. I showed up at ten and she said she was having car trouble. Her incall was off of Colfax mind you so I had to sit around that area Christmas night until she finally called, and than started speaking to me as if I were another client of hers!! Its really poor service as is to mess that up as far as I am concerned and on top of it she tried to up her proce to 100 for a hh. So after waiting for a hour and a half, being called the wrong clients name, and trying to be upselled before I even arrived lol I still chose to be an idiot and went on with it. Her incall had a front and a back apartment 201, I went to the front 201, and than tried the back repeated times but there were three locked doors/gates preventing me from getting any further. Each time I tried to call she hung up immediately and said oh my friends coming down. So after standing outside 20 minutes in the freezing cold two numnuts walked out. Her 'pimp' asked for her money and I declined seeing as I had not even seen the provider yet. One was a short chubby mexican with glasses and the other a tiny probably 130 pd 5'6 white male. He pushed me and said 'give me that money bro' Not thinking he was serious I kind of laughed because...being in the business I have worked with pimps before and these two looked like those kids that ended up listening to icp. Anyways it got a little more physical as both of them rushed me and i was pinned up by a car. lol I was holding both of them back but the skinny guy had me in a choke hold 'thing' while the chubby dude was trying to punch me. Neither of them even did anything but considering I was on colfax and didn't want to make things more violent and end up in cuffs myself or getting shot or stabbed over a 100 bucks, I just told the chub the money was in my pocket. All things considered I wish I had just beat them senseless now but the initial shock of the chubby mexican possibly being a police officer (because this guy was the opposite of tough) and the way he approached me clicked in my head to be cool or go to jail. Than after being rushed the only way to get out would have been to cause serious damage...and I for one like to play it safe. So pretty much I just got jacked for 100 dollars never even saw the provider and after going back to my car in a heated rage i realized the two 'pimps' weren't and walked back and kept calling and demanded to talk to them. They said finally they would make up for it the following day and of course never did, but at that point realizing it was not police or anyone to worry about I still wish those two would have came back out. Parker also had a friend with her gf which after a little research I am sure is most likely the other girl in the posts. Needless to say I am so heated about this I still want to just go back and...but I guess its better to just let it go than deal with these retards. I could tell Parker had some type of drug addiction most likely ice/meth due to her attitude on the phone and considering back in my early years I had been around those people before. But I highly recommend staying away from anything having to do with Parker Star, Parker of Parker, or whatever she goes by. My bad if I messed up this post its the first I have done.