Melissa (388)'s Profile

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Melissa (388)

(970) 388-3022


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Timmay Yes 20 12/30/12
Seen on 12/26/12
Time: 1 hr Location: Fort CollinsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I didn't know much about the tantra thing, but I thought "Hey, it's worth a try." I've actually seen her twice. Once in a hotel, which was interesting & the second time a house where it was literally a mess and with pot plants growing everywhere. I prefered the hotel. Less other guys waiting in the drive way (literally) for their turn and NO POT plants growing in the adjoining room. All I could picture was my face on the news at the drug/prostitution bust. Plus, I got the full survice at the motel whereas I only got translated french at the house. Once I got past all that, Melissa is pretty good at what she does. It's a dog & pony show for all tantra if you ask me...hell, it's just a creative way of getting to the jack-me-off time, but I like to be teased be for I get my crank yanked. She's a little older than she suggests, but that's fine. We're all adults here, right? Lastly, if you want a full hour massage from a english speaking lady who doesn't hit you up for a "tip", give Tantra Melissa a shot. She's worth the look-see.

RogueWave-9122 Yes 7 1/23/11
Seen on 1/24/11
Time: 1 hr Location: Fort CollinsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: From what little I know, Tantra is supposed to heighten and transform the sexual experience, but the very light massage with her fingers and long hair put Samson to sleep. Then she broke out a feather duster and then some sort of fuzzy handpuppet thing and continued with light body strokes. My mind started frantically doing mathematical calculations of how many possible times these (questionably hygienic) tools were used until they are (if ever) replaced at the Tantra Dollar Store. This aspect also didn't help Samson out either. Of course, YMMV. Session concluded with a quick UTF and RCG happy ending. Melissa is sweet and the price is certainly reasonable, but if I'm doing it again it'll be sans the implements.