Chelsea 503-xxx-0889's Profile

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Chelsea 503-xxx-0889

(503) 562-0889


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
bow-tie guy Yes 23 10/25/10
Seen on 10/26/10
Time: 45 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: stunning young lady that i am certainly glad to have met... found we actually shared several common interests... no kidding! in the future, i'd be more than happy to help this young beauty in any way possible... time and circumstances permitting, of course..... like is said, i'm glad to have met a new friend tonight... next time, between you and me... i'd like to hang out ith her for a bit longer... maybe have a bite to eat or something... (NEVER thought i'd say that.... ha) that interesting... and ummmm..... fun to hang out with... despite some of her limited offerings... and as always YMMV

PUSSYFART No 2 10/23/10
Seen on 10/24/10
Time: 15 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I'm from Cali and have always used cityvibe so I checked out the Denver section. I called Chelsea up because she looked like a cute babe and she said she was 420 friendly. I guess that's where I fucked up assuming she would be mad chill cuz most 420 people are. Chelsea says she has reviews. I never checked, just took her word for it because she has a decent ad. HUGE Mistake. She told me to go off arapahoe road to the Hyatt and call her, I did. Then she told me to follow clinton down over boston street and take a left into motel 6. I went in ready to smoke a fatty with a real cutie... No dice! She is a hustler and good at her craft. She hugged me and rubbed on my dick with a sweet irresistible smile. I handed over the donation and man this chic is one hell of an actress. As she picked the donation up I watched a bitch ass look come over her face. I thought "Oh no, what does she have gas or something?" NOPE she's just a bitch. No talking, no smoking weed she says "her dude" don't let her smoke with clients the 420 part is just for you to give it to her ( yeah right) as a gift. She is all about business and getting you out of there. I layed on the bed and she started beating my dry dick. No lub no contact or caressing, nothing. Its like getting your dick beat by a robot for 160.00 bucks with no fbsm. I was gonna stay the entire 30 minutes just to fuck with her but a recent episode on the local news about bed bugs creeped me out and her place was dirty, I just wanted out of there. When I left there were some obvious Brutha's watching her room. Pass on this one. Only thing good that came of it is I found this website trying to find her non existent reviews. I am confident this will be my last shitty experience.