Amber (720-xxx-8398)'s Profile

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Amber (720-xxx-8398)

(720) 227-8398


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
MarcoPolo No 3 7/16/10
Seen on 7/17/10
Time: Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: Out-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: I saw Amber's postings on Backpage and she looked hot, so I gave her a call several hours before I wanted to see her. She said she would be available later that evening at that time we discussed and I let her know that I definitely wanted to see her and would contact her a little later that evening to confirm the exact time. I gave her my hotel name's and address so she could mapquest it in the meantime, as well as a few very credible provider references, so she could check me out. She said it was okay to text her but that she needed an hour's notice. I texted her 2 hours before the time we had discussed to confirm the exsact time of the session. After not hearing back from her after 45 minutes, I called her and left a voicemail message followed by another text 15 minutes later. After about another hour, I was about to call a different provider but decided to try Amber one last time and got through to her. She said "oh yea" like she had forgotten about the session and then said she would need an hour to get ready and get to me. She asked for the hotel name and address again and asked for my last name to confirm that I was staying there. I reminded her that I already gave her provider references (including one I had seen 3 nights before at the very same hotel) but would not give her my last name. She seemed okay with that and said she would call when she was on her way, but she never showed up. She is a flake and a no show, so don't waste your time on her!