Lexy Laye's Profile

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Lexy Laye

(817) 694-4633


Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (2)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Raddabbler Yes 1 1/22/10
Seen on 1/22/10
Time: 1 hr Location: In-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Have seen Lexy a couple of times and FUN is the word that comes to mind. She provides a full out GFE from the moment you walk in the door until you leave (usually past your appointed time). She is a full service girl and her skills are significant. Lexy was a high-school gymnast and then taught it and the years of being in shape have paid off in a tight, but flexible body. This girl loves to F**K and she also is a great receiver of affection, both orally and internally. Her incall is a very private and nice house in a very nice neighborhood in North Dallas close to George Bush and Midway.

CharminEyes Yes 1 2/25/09
Seen on 2/25/09
Time: 1.5 hrs Location: In-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Lexy is my ATF, and for good reason. As a retired gymnast, she is limber, flexible beyond belief, etc, etc, etc. But her attitude of being there for me, being who she is, willing to try just about anything, always thinking ahead, wonderful sense of humor, great looks, always on time (a rarity in this business), not a clock watcher and always tons of fun are just a few of the things that really get me going.