Mellissa-6536's Profile

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(314) 230-6536


Age: 28
Weight: 140
Height: 5'1"
Measurements: 34B-N/A-N/A
Hair Color: Black
Tattoos: Some
Piercings: None
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body Type: Curvy
Eyes: Brown
Grooming: Trimmed
Smoker: Yes
Breasts: Natural

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
HobbyHabbit No 15 5/9/17
Seen on 5/8/17
Time: 30 min Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: No Recommend?: No Smoking: Yes, not during the session Pictures Accurate: No, fake pictures
Additional Website Link:

Experience Description: Stay away! Stay far away! Fake pictures, terrible attitude, probably the worst I have come accross! Stupid me though. I showed up, pointed out it wasn't her in the pictures and she said I could leave. Stupid me for not leaving. She'll probably change her number, name and her pictures, but lesson learned guys. A girl with a shitty attitude up front, fake pictures, and on her phone the whole time, just leave. (I know, I sound so stupid for staying) No TF or UTF, kissing, touching or anything what so ever. She didn't even take her and barely took her pants off. I can't even describe how terrible this was. I didn't even finish. So turned off, I just got up and left with no talking. Doubt that's the first time that happened to her though. She has black hair with blonde streaks, is about 5 foot tall, curvy but not too fat and was working out by the airport in a 2-3 star hotel. Bad attitude and looks like she has been awake for 3 days straight. Guys, when a women asks if you want to leave after admiting fake pictures with no personality, no hello and looks like she could care less about anything. . . Just turn around and leave. I learned my lesson! (Which I should have known before)

Age: 20 Hair Color: Black Tattoos: Some Piercings: None Body Type: Curvy Ethnicity: Caucasian Eyes: Brown Grooming: Trimmed Smoker: Yes Breasts: Natural Measurements: 34B-N/A-N/A