Jade7583's Profile

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Colorado Springs
(720) 439-7583


Age: 59
Weight: 190
Height: 5'7"
Measurements: 42DD-40-42
Hair Color: Black
Tattoos: Some
Piercings: None
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Body Type: BBW
Eyes: Brown
Grooming: Trimmed
Smoker: Yes
Breasts: Natural

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Wannabebad So-So 37 8/28/16
Seen on 8/26/16
Time: 30 min Location: Colorado SpringsIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: So-So Recommend?: Maybe Smoking: Yes, not during the session Pictures Accurate: No, they were old pictures
Additional Website Link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Acoloradosprings.backpage.com%2FFemaleEscorts%2Finandout-calls-wood-morning-got-morning-wood-let-me-help-you-with-that%2F24668651&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&oq=cache%3Acoloradosprings.backpage.com%2FFema

Experience Description: Been seeing Jades ads for a long time and I always thought she looked my kind of girl so finally pulled the trigger. Met her at a safe apartment that she is staying at and when I walked in I was disapointed as she was in some moo moo looking dress and either her pics are old or she photographs well because she seemed much more of a BBE then expected. After we said hello and got comfortable with one another she led me to the couch. Now her ads say she's dom but I found her to be just bossy. Sit here, do this. It wasn't really sensual but felt like she was just trying to get the session done. Very mechanical. No French which might have been fun since a few teeth seem to be missing. Started with a HJ with lots of lube and then on went the cover. No dirty talk but basically telling me how to sit once she climbed on so she could ride me CG. She does that well and knows how to move and get the job done. She does have a big rack but she says her nips are sensitive so no nipple play just grabbing and smooshing. All in all not my proudest moment but I got what I came for I guess but I won't be repeating. The session felt rushed and mechanical. There was zero chemistry which obviously is partly on me. There are in my humble opinion better short time options in the springs but at least she is legit.

Age: 50 Hair Color: Black Tattoos: Some Piercings: None Body Type: BBW Ethnicity: Caucasian Eyes: Brown Grooming: Trimmed Smoker: Yes Breasts: Natural Measurements: 42DD-40-42