Bianca (czech student)'s Profile

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Bianca (czech student)



Age: 28
Weight: N/A
Height: 0'0"
Measurements: 0A-N/A-N/A


References: Private

Reviews (1)

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Legend: E = Experience, # = Number of Reviews, Date = Review Submitted

Reviewer E # Date
Freedomlover Yes 18 3/4/11
Seen on 3/5/11
Time: 1 hr Location: DenverIn-Call/Out-Call: In-Call
Experience: Yes Recommend?: Yes Pictures Accurate: Unknown

Experience Description: Bianca had originally asked me to not review and I was going to honor that, but decided that while I was answering questions via PM, others might not have read the thread. And the fact that her reason, not wanting to be outted, didn't ring true. Yeah, if she used no face pics or face clouded, but what you see is who she is and her face is very clear in her pics. The "caught her at a bad time" was that she'd supposedly been in a skiing accident a while back. I found part of this when I called to confirm our appt for that day. She said she had a brace on one arm, only to keep it straight, but everything was healed. Her incall was a hotel close to Pena, so yeah, DIA area. Nice hotel. She offers FBSM with a twist for 200 or FS for 260. I picked the FBSM. She did look pretty much like her pictures, but had a small bit of weight to her tummy, but not distracting. Where it was distracting was her face. Her cheeks and lips sagged a bit. These seemed to be the only places where you could see any difference. When we got started, you could tell things weren't quite right, as she grumped and sighed when changing positions. She finally confessed that she'd also hurt the leg on the same side AND had broken a rib...but it was healed. I've had broken ribs, they don't heal real fast. She did give her best effort, unfortunately, as I've now realized, she shouldn't have been offering services so soon after recovery. I attributed the extra pounds due to her recovery layoff. She did get the job done, but like someone noted, when seeing a professional, you expect a professional, someone on top of their game in every way. I think Biance CAN be someone you want to see, just not in present condition.