Bentley Mina-BANNED

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About Bentley Mina-BANNED

  • Rank
    Welcome Me
  • Birthday 01/20/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver Colorado/DTC
  1. I appreciate all the comments definitely going to take my time have fun an enjoy this adventure….So far I’m having a blast an guys are quite nicer here then most places,So in loving the Colorado hospitality,Can’t wait to see what’s in store for me next,Can’t wait till winter I absolutely love the snow,Again can’t wait to meet each an every one of you an again thanks for the advise……FEEL FREE TO ALWAYS SPEAK FREALY,I love to learn new things
  2. Just moved out here with my Girlfriend Mulani Butterfly Who convinced me to move out here from Florida,So here I am just made it in this morning,So to new beginnings an a fresh start I just wanted to formally introduce myself & definitely taking any good advice from companions or Hobbyists,I’m all ears…..