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About kitty_licker

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  1. 411 - Riley

    Riley Colorado Companion Does anyone know this lovely? She claims to have a review/profile on TOB...
  2. Google Voice Phone

    PM or email? Because your email isn't listed in your profile or listing...
  3. Avoiding attention at a hotel

    That's what I'm there for 😎 There are those of us that are more than conversational, and we love to show our understanding and fluency for the tongue
  4. Deposits

    Probably true, but it has to be tied to a real number. I couldn't even get past the first step, which is "Enter your phone number and we'll send you a text", it won't accept an app number. And if that's the case I imagine it has to be tied to a real card (not a prepaid/reloadable one)... I know Cash app requires a real card tied to a bank (account) and that makes it difficult to keep our personal information separate from the hobby. Thanks, that's something to keep in mind if I decide I need to get a separate hobby phone!
  5. Deposits

    ...but would/are providers willing to give out their private emails? Doesn't that kind of go against the whole anonymity we're all going for (well most of us anyways)? I appreciate the help! and if this allows me to spend time with even just a few more providers, I'm very grateful!
  6. Deposits

    It seems like more and more providers are asking for deposits, which I don't have a problem with at all. As were going to give them the whole donation either way, providing them a small percentage (half or the whole donation... much different story) upfront doesn't seem like a big deal at all. There are many providers that I would love to spend time with that are currently requiring deposits, but unfortunately for me I haven't figure out a way to do that and keep my anonymity. My question is "Is there a way to set up an account to make deposits using my hobby # and a prepaid/reloadable card?" Any other methods to send deposits anonymously would also be greatly appreciated. *If this is a repeat thread, I apologize and please put a link to the original thread. I usually don't look through the forum, when I'm on TOB I'm generally too distracted looking at other aspects of the site 😇
  7. non-member profile question?

    Ah, I see. I've only ever written reviews through their profile pages, thanks for the info!
  8. non-member profile question?

    Thanks! I'll give it a shot, next time I see a non-member that's unable to join for whatever reason.
  9. non-member profile question?

    Can someone tell me what that avenue is? Or point me in the right direction?
  10. TOB Blocking New Members?

    I've done this with ladies not on TOB for different reasons. 1. Just like some ladies trust this site, I too trust this site and it's verification process. 2. There are lots of other local women on other sites (namely Tryst) where they don't do reviews and I encourage them to join TOB so they can get reviewed, therefore making it better (safer) for both her and us fellas. It would be nice to know if new women can join (seems like they can't) and/or why they can't. We all have our favorite locals, but as mentioned in another forum ($0 vs. $150, I think) there is plenty of demand for services (that's us fellas!). So one more lovely lady on the site shouldn't hurt pockets... maybe some feelings though
  11. Mulani Butterfly

    I contacted her today and she got back to me late this afternoon. Here's what she said "I'm not all the way set up yet hun I'm still new but I have a website that has all of my pictures and information so I can send you that. I actually need someone to vouch for me on p411 so I can continue the process." I told her I can't vouch for her on p411 since we haven't met yet. What's the process to become a TOB provider? It might super complicated or through... Ladies or admin, a little insight maybe..? I'm holding off till she gets fully set up and verified. Good luck with whatever you decide.