Hobby Hobbit -Banned

Hobby Guilt?

1 post in this topic

In a group of all things manly there was a dude asking for thoughts on his decision to quit porn, forever. Even the free stuff, the men asked. Yes, especially. Why? The addiction. It's killing my marriage. With input from best decision ever to why the fuck, the general consensus thus far? Do it. Don't look back.

Struggling with the same compulsion but the stronger, smell I get without the drama of a sidepiece catching feelers variety which, having had two, one who also happened to be the wife of a close associate show up at a job site after I cut her off, and who had run into my SO at a store before then, which was scary AF, I've often wondered the same. And which, having even seen hobby guilt positioned as an explanation for both time-wasters and NCNS's in this forum that I totally identified with, I know is not uncommon.

Way too public for my highly valued opinion :huh:, which ranged from "I relate" to, "nah, just one more time", what would be your thoughts?


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