
Ladies, stay outta this thread. Men Only.

33 posts in this topic

Our conversation started with one sentence that you took issue with: "Real men don't cheat on their spouse or significant other for ANY reason".

You've misunderstood me. I don't take issue with that. I didn't say you were wrong. I simply pointed out the irony of your strong opinion. I know what I'm doing is wrong. I can explain why I do it, but I don't try to justify it. I'm doing something wrong, solely for my own pleasure and enjoyment. I have no cognitive dissonance about the situation.


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Ok.  Lets talk about what it means to be a man, and what that means in terms of dealing with the women in this world.

I have attached a list of 25 attributes a real man has.  Many of them apply to the way we should interact with adult service providers.

NCNS.  Stalking. Haggling. Abuse. Theft. They can all be referenced somewhere here.

I know.  I'm going to be called all kinds of things from ass kisser to white knight.  But I've been on an interesting journey.  Let the ladies post their own public thread about proper provider behavior.  This is for the clients. Here's the list.  If you disagree, tell me why.  And yes, for you ladies that sneaked in anyway, I know that many of you are better "men" than a lot of your clients.

A real man:

Has integrity.  If he gives you his word on something – or shakes on it – then you can put it in the bank.  

A real man does what he says he's going to do.Treats people with dignity and respect.  He adheres to the Golden Rule: treat others as you would have them treat you.  All people get the same treatment, whether he needs something from them or not.

Respects women.  For a real man, chivalry is not dead.  He will open a door for a woman, give up his seat for a woman, and never, ever abuse a woman.

Has principles and a moral compass.  The real man knows that there are objective truths.  He makes decisions based on them, conducts himself according to them, judges the character of others based on them, and won't compromise them.

Is not afraid to take a stand.  He is not a "yes man" at work or anywhere else, nor is he difficult just for the sake of being difficult.  However, he's not afraid to express his opinion.

Loves and supports his family.  A real man understands that he can't abandon his responsibility to provide for his family.  He doesn't have to do it alone…but he needs to be in the game.

Is willing to fight.  The real man should be slow to anger, but he understands that sometimes, he has to fight, whether it's figuratively in a courtroom, boardroom, or some other setting, or physically on the street.  He will protect his family from harm or die trying.

Has some martial arts training.  Maybe he wrestled in high school, learned to box in a local gym, or competed in karate, judo, or some other art.  It all counts.

Understands the gun.  He respects the pistol and rifle, and he knows how to use them safely and effectively.

Reads.  The real man doesn't have to be a top-flight intellectual, but he isn't afraid to read a book every once in a while, and he knows what's going on in the world.

Doesn't keep a diary.  Unless he's an important political or military figure, a great scientist, a modern-day explorer, leading businessman, or some other figure of historical significance, the real man knows that most of his day-to-day life isn't worth writing down.  If he wants to write out a diary to "explore his feelings," then he might not qualify as a real man.

Isn't afraid of his emotions, but knows how to control them.  The real man is not a crybaby.  He can cry over something major, like the death of a close friend or family member.  Aside from that, there aren't many reasons to pull a John Boehner.

Has some mechanical ability.  The real man can do things like change the oil and filters in his car (or better yet, his truck), use – and repair – a lawnmower, change a flat tire, hang a ceiling fan, and do some basic plumbing work or similar things.

Knows how to use tools.  Related to number 12 above, the real man knows how to turn a wrench, drive a nail, and cut wood.  He doesn't need to be a master carpenter, but he should have some basic skills.

Knows how to back a trailer.

Isn't afraid of manual labor.  A real man can be in a white-collar or blue-collar profession.  For those in white-collar jobs, it's important to have done – and continue to do – some work with their hands and their backs.

Has self-discipline and self-control.  Whether it's his job, diet, exercise routine, personal finances, or other elements within his personal control, a real man knows how to stay on track.  

He's not a prude, but he does know when to conduct himself in a more dignified manner…and when it's okay to loosen up.

Loves a good steak.

Isn't afraid of a good cigar and a glass of whiskey.

Knows how to hunt or fish.  He also knows how to clean and prepare the game or fish he takes.

Is not a narcissist.  

He is not overly introspective, and he understands that there are things larger than himself.

Knows what the term "inalienable rights" means, and what those rights are for every individual.

Takes his work seriously, and strives to be the best he can be.

Understands that the world owes him nothing.  After reaching adulthood, the real man understands that he is entitled only to what he can earn.  Anything else is a gift, for which he should be appreciative.

Doesn't pretend he's something he's not.

Where the hell did you get this crap from? A 1950's public service announcement?


Martial arts? And didn't Ernest Hemmingway write in a diary?


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