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      Review Submissions, Info from Rules/Guidelines   02/08/2025

      New Reviewer Submissions will remain pending until a reference has been procured from an established user profile. Always follow up and obtain references: Request references or share references from your profile with any established TOB female member with a click of a button. Click on her profile—-> click Reference Request. •Ladies please confirm or deny any pending reference request. Confirm if you’re sure, Deny if you have any doubts about the validity of the request.  
Vanessa Belle

not able to make a payment.

7 posts in this topic

Have not been able to make a payment for more than 3 days is there any other way I'm able to do this? (:


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We are sorry about this. Our merchant requires a live site to review first. This process can take up to a week and then they will allow online payments. However, we will be able to contact you and do a manual payment on Monday..


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    Yes It really sucks that I cant make a payment either, I really hope this is a temporary problem, I would like to use and see how site works especially with the wait.. I've been anticipating the new Site Upgrade for sure.


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We are sorry about this. Our merchant requires a live site to review first. This process can take up to a week and then they will allow online payments. However, we will be able to contact you and do a manual payment on Monday..

Will I be able to place a visiting ad for Denver on Monday? 


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I did send an email at 7:30am and no response yet..I really need to post my ad and make payment..Is there a faster process? 

Are there specific things that need to be in the email? 


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