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Guest Euclid

Unsolicited calls

3 posts in this topic

Have been on TOB back in Colorado from the very beginning, now spend a fair amount of time in LAS. Occasionally I troll Backpage, but am very scrupulous about any inquires I may make. What I've noticed is that the ladies in LAS are fairly aggressive about calling unsolicited and saying "I'm available now, want to hook up?" Guaranteed to get your number blocked immediately and permanently. I call you and, if called for, tell you when I'm available, can take a call. You do NOT call unsolicited, repeatedly.


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Prime reason for a $20 hobby phone.

I use Google Voice and have incoming calls for that number show the GV # as the caller ID on my smartphone - instant "virtual" hobby phone. And it's very easy to block a number from GV.


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