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About F117

  • Rank
    Learning My Way
  • Birthday 08/20/1955
  1. The debate

    I don't pay attention to debates, polls, or other circus trappings. I'd rather spend my time in meaningful pursuits, like where in the world I'm going to expat to and (hopefully) live the rest of my life in a civilized society. And yes, one of my metrics for a civilized society is one that has decriminalized or outright legalized "the hobby". I have had the benefit of visiting such countries, and the "hobby" is just so much more... civilized. Question for the group: While there is no shortage of data on which State has the most people moving into it / moving out of it, why isn't there easily accessible data on how many people are leaving the US and what countries they are going to? It would make it so much easier... Just my (inflation adjusted) $0.02, worth everything you paid for it.
  2. Trump VS Vice President Harris

    I think the whole Republican vs Democrat or Liberal vs. Conservative is a false argument that consumes too much oxygen and perpetuates the status quo while distracting most of the public much like the Roman Coliseum / Circus. Answer honesty... what other working democracy or democratic republic has been ruled by the same two parties since 1865? "We the people" sounded noble in 1776, but remains hollow as long as Section 501c(4) exists to allow unlimited, unaccountable billions of dollars flow from God knows where into the coffers of the anointed. The process as it exists does not give us the best and brightest, just the newest faces bought by the world's richest. Just as we spend more per capita on healthcare but have the worst medical outcomes and the highest number of uninsured of any post-industrial nation, we spend more per election cycle than the next 10 democracies put together and we get the best politicians money can buy. For those who would benefit from a visual analogy, Republican vs. Democrat is a two-dimensional, non functional answer to a four dimensional question. What are the other two dimensions that are not taken into consideration? 1. "Undecided" or "Independent". This is why all of the polls are meaningless, again, just useless distraction or masturbation wearing welder's mitts. Another phrase that might describe this Independent is, "I / we (all of us, no politispeak here) are disgusted by the choices given, and deserve better." "Undecided" or "Independent" will determine the outcome of this election and all future elections, likely by refusing to participate in false choices foisted on us by people who want our society to stay frozen in 1865. We're not stupid and we're not playing your losing game. 2. Time. While other working democracies actually form alliances, compromise, and sometimes cooperate, we keep re-voting the Civil War, hoping to change the outcome. Other, working democracies have universal healthcare, free, high quality education based on objective outcomes, and stable societies. We, in the meantime, will spend billions of dollars to avoid solving a permanent hereditary underclass, homelessness, and mental health. The fact that the largest, fastest growing segment of homeless with mental health issues are our Veterans is criminal. In short, other democracies make progress. We just keep spending billions and billions of dollars each year to stay in the same place while perpetuating a WWE-class circus first cast in 1860. Just my (inflation adjusted) $0.02, worth everything you paid for it. "You have a brain. Just because the system calls you stupid from day one, does that make you stupid?" - Moi
  3. Have U Been 2 the GFE/ATF Mountaintop?

    It's a regional thing. I live i Military City, USA. (if you know, you know.) Cars start lining up at the gates at 04:30 - 05:00. Gates open at 08:00, close at dusk. All day long the left turn into the National Cemetery is backed up to more than a half mile. When I moved here in the late 00's, I could buy a bunch of flowers and drive right through the gate and park the car and look for a grave that needed attention. One year it was a USAR RN that served in three wars. Those days are over. Today, I buy my flowers the first thing the day after and can drive in. This past year I found the small plot that has the graves of POWs that died in the US whose remains were never claimed. Their graves have the same tombstones as the US Vets. I chose to leave my flowers on one of those graves. In life, they might have fought against us as enemies, but in death, all soldiers are united. All served. Most in that Cemetery gave their last full measure on June 06, 1944 or shortly thereafter. You can spend half a day walking "the Gardens of Stone" with that date on the tombstones. I don't turn on the TV or listen to commercial radio on that Monday. I'll never buy a car, washer / dryer or fridge on that day. Some of us will never forget what it means.
  4. ED treatment(s)

    If you're over 40, and CERTAINLY if you're over 50, and something "changes", avoid the "I'll take a pill and everything will be OK." attitude. In my case, it was an early symptom of prostate cancer. Homophobic about your (male) doc putting on gloves and dirt diving in your ass? That's why prostate cancer is the second deadliest cancer for men. Get over it! Or do like I did, find a female urologist. Her (post cancer treatment): "You know, you only need to get screened every five years now, unless something changes." Me: ""I'd feel more comfortable if we continued annual exams for the short term." I really don't have a medical / latex / etc. fetish. I just prefer to be intimately examined by a female. So sue me!
  5. Cramp

    Statins, usually over prescribed after a heart attack, will cause muscle weakness and spontaneous, painful cramping. If you're on them, do what you have to do to minimize the dose or get off them altogether.
  6. WOMAN OF 2024

    Amsterdam was disappointing, and the RLD is nothing but a tourist trap. I took the high speed TGV to Le Gare Nord and spent a week in Paris. I've never been eye-fucked by so many (age appropriate, fit) MILFs in my life. Flirting is a common courtesy to the French, and almost all French women love being acknowledged for their femininity. They (mostly) take time to be well "put together" and appreciate a man who is clean, well dressed, and polite. When was the last time you checked into a hotel or went to the bank to get more cash from a (live) teller and walked away with a hard-on? Or was just sipping cafe at a street side bistro and had that "someone is looking at me" sense then turned your head and met a lady's unblinking and unashamed gaze? If Paris is a bridge too far, I've had many similar experiences in Montreal. And the CAD$ to USD$ exchange rate puts a 25% - 28% discount on EVERYTHING! It was Lili Marlene, the blue angel, who said around the time of the Weimar Republic (think Berlin Babylon, you cultural heathens): "In the US, sex is an obsession. In the rest of the world, it is merely a fact." C'est bonne!
  7. To all of the thoughtful ladies who responded to this thread, 1. I'm always polite and respectful. I'm a certified OG. I don't know how else to act. 2. Regarding the provider I'd seen before, I sent 3 P411 appointment requests over two months, and about two weeks out, emailed and texted her. 3. When the same provider started listing their availability here on the morning I was trying to set up an appt., she listed "New phone number!" Same provider checked her P411 account about 30 minutes after I complained to P411, so it's fair to assume she was / is receiving P411 messages. To all: What's wrong with a simple "Thank you for your interest, I don't think we'd be a good match." Simple, short, sweet, respectful. Oh, BTW, during our previous 3 hour appt., she stated repeatedly how much fun she was having and how much she looked forward to seeing me again. But times change, and so do people. I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with replying with the above phrase. I'm not a fragile Gen Zer who will need their "safe space" to go and suck my thumb or anything. Just a polite, "Not interested, move on." would be much appreciated. But common courtesy and mutual respect are getting harder and harder to find these days, so I will focus my search efforts where they still mean something - outside the US of A. I've had my best hobby experiences in countries that have decriminalized or made the hobby completely legal. Thanks, all!
  8. Ladies, if you have an active P411 account but don't check your P411 screening / appointment requests, can you please inactivate your profile? I started reaching out two months ago when I found out that my company was sending me to the Denver area. Made multiple screening / appointment requests with two very highly reviewed and regarded local providers, one of whom I'd seen previously. Radio silence. Then, ("poof"! "magic"!) on the morning that I had been asking for an appointment last week, both of the providers start posting their immediate availability On TOB. Admirers have to pay $179.00 USD a year to keep their profiles active and be able to contact Companions on P411. It costs Providers nothing to create a profile and to deactivate / reactivate it. A little common courtesy (yes, I'm a certified OG) would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  9. No Show No Call

    It goes both ways. If I could collect a NC/NS fee , I'd have a lot more funds to invest. Happened to me with a highly reviewed / regarded local provider last year. I had seen her just before the pandemic put an end to my hobby activities. Then, last year at about the same time of year, I set up an extended 3 hour outcall to my hotel. All was good until the appointment time, then she went radio silent until the next morning, saying she got into a car accident on the way to my hotel. Last week I was back in the area, started sending P411 appointment requests to two highly reviewed and regarded local providers two months in advance, with follow up requests a month in advance and two weeks in advance. Radio silence. Then, the morning of the day I was looking for an extended (3 hour) appointment, both providers start advertising their availability here. I'm going to stop trying to make appointments in Denver on P411. The reason I use it is because I travel for a living, and I have 28 OK's going back 15+ years. It works pretty well in other parts of the country, not here so much. I've been getting about a 75% NC / NS rate since the pandemic, and I'm only looking at long term, active, well reviewed providers on P411. So question for the ladies: Assuming your hourly donation is in the $400 - $600 range, and a verified client makes a 3 hour appointment with you which you confirm (my appointment in summer 2023), what would be a fair NC / NS cancellation fee for you to pay the client?
  10. Ball Busting - Swing away

    Wow, for once my TOB stalker hasn't "corrected" my post to what it "should" be! There may be hope for TOB yet!
  11. Ball Busting - Swing away

    I got kicked good and proper when I was 20 or 21. (One of the side effects is I can't remember how old I was at the time.) Ruptured both testicles, scar tissue is now becoming a problem many decades later. Hollywood tells us that it immediately incapacitates males, better than a 12 gauge with 00 buckshot. Bullshit. I got one of the biggest adrenaline dumps I ever had in my life from the pain. The downside is that 60 - 90 seconds later I was puking my guts out from the same adrenaline. Pain was like a bad bruise, had to pack ice bags for 2-3 days, and then on with life..... Men in general make too big a deal (pun intended) about their junk. There's nothing unique or special about it, just like 99.99% of the humanoids it's attached to....
  12. Cash App Tutorial

    Y'all need to read this: https://apnews.com/article/venmo-paypal-cashapp-p2p-payments-deposit-insurance-f89eba2486a383160b9343e2e4e60b3f
  13. Glass or Plastic for dildo material?

    Take a minute and go to square Peg Toys website and read about the different materials used and some of the chemicals they might contain. I recently gifted my ATF three Square Peg Toys, and recently was able to use them with her. The texture is indescribable.
  14. Will be Visiting from Texas

    I'm from Texas and I don't drink beer. (Truth.) But when I'm in CO, the only sights I want to see are smiles on Ms. Devon Debauchery and Ms. Leyla Scott's faces. (Not at the same time, that would kill me!) Just sayin'.
  15. Oral Delights go both ways

    O.K., so post heart attack and prostate cancer, I definitely am not the 24 hour a day walking boner when I graduated from high school in a different millennia. Luckily, I met a freak who's just as big a freak as I am, and just as fastidious as I am about being clinically clean EVERYWHERE. After our first few rende-vous, she started moving her other lady bit under my tongue while I was looking for pearls, or whatever.... taking a hint, I got downright assertive about pleasing her there as well, and when she came up, she smiled and said "Your turn." GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY.... I think I found religion, or she found me, or whatever! Gentlemen (and ladies), if you are with a partner who is willing to take a little extra effort before the appointment, and you are 100% comfortable with each other, do not deprive yourself of "the other white meat", LOL! Given my advanced age and decrepit condition (knew I should have purchased the extended warranty), the majority of our time is actually spent in mutually orally satisfying each other, both the more conventional ways mentioned above, and the less conventional way that is just as / more satisfying. (?) As they say in Nawlins' when you buy the full booo - fay on the riverboat casino, "Boy, you bought the full Boo-fay! Watcha' doin' with just one plate?" LOL!