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Everything posted by Juanmotai

  1. Listing Rules etc.

    I'm not sure if most guys here are like me or not, bit sometimes a little left to the imagination goes a long long way... just saying
  2. To all the fellow hobbyists

    And as always, you're invited to join Laci. Sitting by the campfire singing just wouldn't be complete without having you there
  3. To all the fellow hobbyists

    Dude, I just kinda suggested something of this sort of another thread. I have no problems sharing resources and like I said in the other thread, meeting up for a beer or whatever. I personally think it's a great idea
  4. Just in case

    Don't know if anyone is willing, or able to, meet up for a few beers and do some networking, but it might help the cause. What better reference can a guy have if it comes from a fellow hobbyist. Also it could help the ladies out of a reputable client says, " hey that guy is ok, or hey that guy is an asshole." If not, it's all good. Bit just throwing it out there that I'm game to meet a few fellow hobbyist for a beer or two.
  5. Back page orphans

    There's bad coming in from both sides, providers and clients, but this isn't the best way to handle it. Let's not get torn apart from the inside. Ladies will just have to screen a little more diligently and us guys will have to pick our providers a little more carefully for the time being. The sky hasn't fallen yet, and I doubt it will. The clouds may get lower and the fog might come in, but the sky won't fall. Let's all stick together and we'll get through this mess just fine, like we always have.
  6. Exchange info

    I always tell ladies I've had contact with to feel free to save my number and contact me.
  7. Eccie bites the dust

    Well I'm sure that as long as Tob survives the onslaught, you'll have a home here ginger doll. But I suppose if this goes away like the others, then we will all be truly hobby homeless. But even the homeless always seem to find a way to stick together in their own little community way.
  8. A good therapist sounds really good right about now..
  9. Eccie bites the dust

    I actually seen a young lady from Arkansas a year ago or so. It was quite enjoyable. Actually seen her 3 times during her visit here.. of course y'all are welcome here.. Happy to have ya around..
  10. Hot Springs

    If you go to valley view, be sure to also check out the orientation Land trust mine. But also, probably not so known to most who didn't grow up in that area, if you drive past the valley view entrance and a half to 3/4 of a mile you'll come up on a hiking trail. Park and hike the trail and you will run into some naturally running hot springs that haven't been claimed by any private organization and turned into a resort. You do run the risk of being busted by a random hiker, but the risk is small compared to the reward of not being crowded by scores of other people..
  11. Marketing

    Just by simply engaging yourself in the discussion threads you're promoting yourself, whether intentional or not. I think it's awesome when the ladies participate in the threads. I very rarely, if ever, go look at the ads/listings, section. If I look at a ladies listing/ad, it's most likely because she was active in a discussion somewhere. I know I can't be the only dude here who does that. If you ladies make yourself more visible by participating in the forums, you're basically self promoting in a way that doesn't break any rules.
  12. Best Local Denver restaurants

    Total sarcasm. That's the worst food in the freaking world. Lol
  13. Best Local Denver restaurants

    All these suggestions and nobody, I mean nobody, has mentioned casa Bonita. Come on people, nothing says Mexican food better than casa Bonita!! What's wrong with all you people anyway????
  14. Harassment from other providers

    This is what I want.. Kali, my favorite friend ol pal.. ok, so I'm trying to kiss ass a little bit here, but I freaking love good kombucha
  15. Hello!!

    Welcome to Tob Holly..
  16. If TOB shuts down right now...

    Have you ever wondered why voodoo donuts only takes cash?? I've often wondered why.
  17. If TOB shuts down right now...

    Who the fuck will the whisperer whisper to for God's sake?? Or..... Will he find a new way of whispering??
  18. It's been a while so I thought I'd stop by and say hello to the most gorgeous young lady in socal...
  19. #SESTA #FOSTA- Who's been following...

    Not sure if anyone here uses Craigslist personals, but it's shut down now. If you go there you get a message about FOSTA.. FYI
  20. 411 on Lauren

    I contacted her and chatted with her. Seems like a very nice girl. Just everything I like isn't on her menu or is an upsell so I passed. But if she looks anything like her pictures, she's gorgeous.
  21. I am a Golden God

    And you must be Mr Rock. Look, darling, Mr. Rock 2018. The the handsomest hobbiest since cassanova, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him? Kate: You don't even know him. Doc Holliday: Yes, but there's just something about him. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... me. No. I'm sure of it, I hate him.
  22. Computer vs Cell

    I don't even own a PC. I do everything exclusively on my cell phone.
  23. Superbowl

    I can't remember ever being less interested in a Superbowl as iam this one. Anyone else share my lack of interest in this game??? Might be a good day to indulge in the hobby a little bit..