Lea Madisson

TOB Member
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Everything posted by Lea Madisson

  1. Backpage...

    While it is good to advertise across many venues... BP has always scared me a bit. Smooch! Lea
  2. Busting A Nut....

    ...becomes a great facial cream...
  3. P411 Available Now is up..

    HI ~P!! Yep... I decided to join the board. Never been to Denver! The "Now" button I think will be a good tool thought I will miss the Ad Section but I do understand what Gina was trying to do. I haven't found a time to use it yet since I mostly pre-book but I will try it soon! Smooch! Lea
  4. Hi Ladies. I am knew to the board but not to providing. I recognize some of you from other boards! I agree with everything said so far. You have to use what is best for you but you cannot be too careful when screening. However, you must be careful with the information you provide when seeking a reference. I always make sure that I include only the pertinent info when asking for a reference from another provider. The Hobbyist who wants to see me expects discretion... so if he provides me with his handle, P411, DateCheck or RoomService info or a phone number, I will share that with the provider I am seeking a reference from. This is information he has provided to me. I, too, will often ask him "how will she remember you?" so that it makes it easier for the provider. I usually do all reference requests by email and I provide you with who I am, what boards I am on, state I am a moderator for one of them, and include my website. I want you to feel comfortable that I am a legitimate provider. Smooch! Lea