Laura Lopez

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Everything posted by Laura Lopez

  1. I m curious if everyone else has had the same problems as me. I no longer accept any of these because clients keep reporting it as fraud to their bank or credit card that they have linked and so it’s not the Apps but the financial institutions. I had one last year and I stopped taking them eventual broke down to accept a couple and started accepting again to only be hit with chsrge backs months later with no recourse. I have recently had more ask for bitcoin which is slower to accept but had a problem! What is everyone else’s feeling on this?
  2. Rude Obnoxious People WTF

    Hello, For Heavens Sake thank you for TOB and other verification sites! Is it rude for providers to require verification? I am bombarded with the most raunchy ridiculous messages day in and day out to the point I just ask if they are a TOB or other Verification Site member and if answer is no I just block them. It is 98% people playing games who contact us. Anyone else experience this and how do you deal with this? Most of the members I have met with references and reviews are pretty top notch I ll say 90% and 90% of others are complete time wasters so I almost never give newbie type people a chance, is this bad?
  3. Rude Obnoxious People WTF

    Thank you and yes lots of bad folks out there. I have had great experience with tob members it’s too bad there are not more sites like this or that TOB isn’t as prominent in other states besides Colorado.
  4. Rude Obnoxious People WTF

    I love that idea!