Lucy Kitten

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Everything posted by Lucy Kitten

  1. My favorite grammatical error

    I actually learned something new. I realized I suppose that they were two separate words and have seen them both in print but neither is a word I use often and would have likely confused them too.
  2. My favorite grammatical error

    My favorite part about this is that grammar and spelling are two different things. Is that irony? That's another one of those frequently misused words. "How is you?" is an example of bad grammar "you defiantly should come over right now" is bad spelling. I keep an old English textbook around for when I am really confused by the rules.
  3. Any info pulled from the chart is a HIPAA violation. Even if it's just to peek a room number so you can look in on a patient. Since all medical records are electronic now it tracks everyone that looks at the info. When I worked at a hospital there were a handful of people fired for looking at an ex president's chart. We had some fairly famous patients and someone was always getting in trouble. Allen Iverson had a baby at the hospital that I worked at (unrelated to spilling medical info) and when he came to pick up his wife and child there was a little fight among the valet as to who was gonna park his Bentley.
  4. True story long before HIPAA was a thing my mother worked in a medical records office. It was where all patient charts and information was maintained and stored. They used to assemble the most ridiculous things they found in charts and read them out loud at their Christmas party. It would get them all fired these days but it's hard to work in that industry and not read the crazy in front of you.
  5. Thriving In Sex Work

    Absolutely. A big part of being a better client is really about understanding our side of things. Why we do what we do, what we encounter emotionally/physically. This isn't an easy job it takes a piece of your being, it's also a very unique job with unique struggles.
  6. Thriving In Sex Work

    A great book for those that need some guidance or a fun read for those looking for insight.
  7. Personal Websites

    Do you ladies have a website? If so, who is your host? Do you find it helps your business? Guys do you look at websites beyond pictures and contact info? I like Google analytics as it allows you to see what kind of traffic you have and what people look at on my site. In the past for websites I have relied on either capable friends or DIY sites like Webs. Currently using WordPress on a privately host but thinking it's time for something new. Looking through the WP themes I am not sure I like any of those themes. I really like Square Space offerings but they're not super friendly. I am thinking I might do the professional thing and pay someone to help. Where does one find help that isn't outrageously expensive and will do a good job with someone who has particular needs? There are a few providers that offer their services but they are damn expensive and their knowledge is limited in regards to my needs but if any of you ladies need websites there are providers out there that do a great job. I strongly recommend getting a website if you don't have one. They are beyond useful tools and help up the professional look.
  8. ISO DTC

    Shouldn't we also apply that same line of thought the "best areas to stay" threads? I get the OP was more specific than just a general area but there are times that we're like those dudes that guide the airplanes on the runways when it comes to plugging the DTC.
  9. Crossing boundaries....

    Is it really though? She didn't intermingle those worlds he did. He doesn't "know" Audrey he knows the real world Audrey and somehow he found out and crossed those boundaries. Chances are that this guy could go either way he could not say anything or he could be a dumbass and let it slip. Both are equally likely to happen. Trying to insert yourself into s space where you aren't welcome is too much. True story, I had something similar happen. Dude found out and then was kind of relentless. He thought he had finally found an opening to hook up with a chick that had wanted for a long time. He really assumed he was going to get the best of both worlds. *Ron Howard's Arrested Development Narrator voice* He didn't.
  10. Are all females women?

    They do say so in their ads. Is it really such a concern that you're going to be fooled by a trans person? IMO that's a little transphobic, it's the same mentality homophobic guys have, they're are afraid that gay guys are going to hit on them. Trans women aren't really out to fool you. Trans women are women "natural born" or not. My guess would be no trans person is really interested in lying to anyone that could potentially cause harm. A lot of violence that trans people face are from people that felt "fooled".
  11. Are all females women?

    There is no law that states that anyone disclose their gender but often many people do and are discriminated against for it.
  12. HOLY HAIL!!!!!!!!!!

    Bottom left corner when replying or posting.
  13. Why don't providers work out?

    Why does that matter? Is it just the weight that is the issue or are you implying that because someone is less attractive they should offer more? If you're so bothered by the misrepresentation why does the service even matter?
  14. Playlists for Sessions

    Listening to that now thanks for the reminder! Girl from Ipanema is one of those that makes me lose track. I get lusty and nostalgic and just want to dance. Bossa nova sets the mood every time. I also really like Elis and Tom.
  15. Playlists for Sessions

    Antonio Carlos Jobim's Stone Flower is the perfect mood music, if you like jazz and the 60s especially.
  16. Texas the eyes of nation are upon you

    I don't disagree but they made minimal effort it seems to properly warn the people. They were told to stay in place and woke up with several feet of water in their homes. They couldn't have predicted the feet of water but the people could have been adequately warned. They were misled and weren't really given a chance.
  17. So who is watching this season? I feel like it took forever for winter to get here and that now that we're here it's a little rushed. But so many exciting things have happened! The Winterfell reunion was a long time coming, Dany steps foot on Westeros reclaiming Dragonstone, Cersei is plotting still and the Night King is coming. What's been your favorite moment so far? Who after seven seasons is alive and still your favorite character? Tyrion of course is probably the most favorite but I have to say that Davos the Onion Knight and Tormund the fiery Wildling are my faves. Oh and Jamie, he is easily my favorite Lannister. He truly loves his sister but I think really hates his name and everything his house has ever stood for and he's so damn handsome. I tried to read the books but I get stuck on Storm of Swords. I've read Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings twice but cannot finish Storm of Swords. What do you think Martin will do with the rest of the books now that the show has surpassed the books? Will it go a different way? Will it be the same but different? Are readers still going to want to read after the show is done? How many of the tens of millions of viewers actually care about the books and will readers get burned. How long has it been since A Dance With Dragons?
  18. Texas the eyes of nation are upon you

    What do you do when you have no where to go and no money to get there? Gas stations are emptied out, shelters weren't in place until disaster struck. The mandatory evacuations didn't happen until a lot of people were already screwed. Houston should have evacuated and they didn't.
  19. Will the real Kylie step forward

    Definitely looks like the same person to me same pics in both the TOB and BP ads. I did notice though that the OP quoted the wrong number. An accident I'm sure but that could be anyone's number.
  20. GOT!!!!!

    There was that other sexy redhead Ros too. And Sansa is a redhead. Each one you could a really fun themed shoot with. Ros in the brothel, Ygritte in her cave or with her bow and arrow, Sansa in her pretty dresses and furs. I almost forgot Melisandre another redhead with more great options.
  21. Winter Is Here...Potential Spoilers

    No. Dany is technically Jon's aunt. If we are to believe what's been hinted at (and most guessed a long time ago) it's that Jon is the son of Rhaegar, Dany's older brother and Lyanna, Ned's sister. I think it was also confirmed that he wasn't a bastard at all. When Gilly was reading through the volumes at the Citadel and Sam was cranky and not listening she talks about how the Maester gave an annulment to Rhaegar so he could wed Lyanna. If all of this is true which I think is what they want us to believe then Jon is the rightful king of Westeros. Which also means that Jon has a relationship with dragons since he has that Targaryen blood.
  22. Winter Is Here...Potential Spoilers

    And don't forget they sailed from Dragonstone to East Watch like overnight and didn't seem to bring any fucking dragon glass with them. Also where the hell did the white walkers get that serious ass chain from? My favorite moment so far is Olenna telling Jamie she did it and then watching Jamie tell Cersei that Olenna did it. That was delicious. Olenna was right that little boy was a cunt and got every bit of what he deserved.
  23. Winter Is Here...Potential Spoilers

    To be honest that's where it loses me too. I think we're supposed to believe that magic while it always existed is coming back to men. One of the themes that I think is frequently overlooked in the series is religion. A lot of that "magic" came from these wonky religions. You have the Old Gods, the new Seven Gods, The Lord of Light. The Children of the Forest are closely tied to the Old Gods which is important when it comes to the white walkers then you have both Melisandre and Thoros see the danger in the north in the fire. I think magic and religion are closely intertwined and it helps me deal with the "magic".
  24. Winter Is Here...Potential Spoilers

    The pace of Swords was horrible and because you bounce between perspectives you get a lot of retelling of the same events. I struggled and I tried twice, I get to about page 600 and I quit. I would skip it and move on to Feast for Crows but someone stole my copy. It might be worth trying again but the show has really screwed everything up. If you think Theon is the worst you still are early on. Have you met Ramsay Bolton yet? Cersei in my opinion will always be the fucking worst. She was worse than her father even. I think in the long run most underrated are Jorah Mormont and Varys/The Spider. Varys despite his sneaky ways ended up being true to his word his loyalty was to the crown and who was best to sit upon the throne. Jorah is just pathetically loyal to Dany and carries this eternal sadness for bringing shame to his father that he really did admire. I really hope readers get a satisfying ending. The show eclipsed the readers and everyone is a watcher.