Lucy Kitten

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Everything posted by Lucy Kitten

  1. Just a funny for the day :)

    Don't tease me! We could put on our dancing shoes, have a few martinis and party like it's 1965! Truly though I envy you, and I would really love to hear it. I loved not only the cover but the whole album, it was an introduction of sorts to sexiness, sensuality and good music.
  2. Just a funny for the day :)

    How about sexy old album covers??
  3. My answer is Colin Firth PLEASE! I would even pay for it! I had a client once that looked like he could have been the brother to Joseph and Ralph Fiennes, it was absolute heaven! As for personal comparisons I have been told I look like Drew Barrymore, which is definitely a compliment.
  4. A new Caption Contest!

    So that's where she tucks it!
  5. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    Obviously in your own condescending way you question my values. So I am underhanded and dishonest? Do onto others as they do unto us is about the biggest load of bullshit you could have piled on to this. You can't force someone to do something because you think it's the right thing, there are no set in stone universal rules in this game. I know you wouldn't be yourself if you weren't playing the White Knight and preaching how infallible providers are but for just a brief moment dismount your moral high horse and look hard at the situation. They had one appointment cancel it was the providers choice to let it ruin their whole day. Anyone who has any business sense doesn't put all their eggs in one basket and and cry foul when things did not go their way. It's not nobody's fault that they didn't talk about a cancellation fee or that they didn't ask for one when he cancelled, or went to go collect one when they found out he was lying and still on vacation. They had chances to avoid this and it is their fault for not taking them, so yes I believe the providers have some fault in this situation. I really just don't understand how you can expect someone to do something for you without ever saying it loud, chastise them when they don't do it without ever letting them know. That does not seem righteous to me. Feel free to disagree because I know you will, just try to refrain from judging my values and keep your subtle passive aggressive insults out of it.
  6. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    I may have a hard time grasping this but insults certainly come easy to you don't they? If I am missing it then show me where in the OP the promise made was? Where it was stated that the girls discussed a cancellation fee? Tell me how it is the providers business to know the guys personal reason as to why he cancelled? The guy lied BIG FUCKING DEAL, I am sure he lied to his wife and kids, family whoever he was on vacation with about where he was going to be disappearing to for a few hours, why would the escort he cancelled on be any more entitled to the truth? Everyone on this board has told a lie about something at some point in their life. Are we all not to be trusted then? It would be great if the guy stepped up and did the "right thing" but to say he is obligated is just too much. If that is the message that you preach then I assume you must live like Mother Theresa. You just can't force someone to do the right thing. Wouldn't it be great if we could live in a world without lies and everyone gets exactly what Pfunk thinks they deserve but that is not the reality. Life is just not that cut and dry.
  7. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    No you're absolutely right. Life is always black and white and there are never any gray areas. The idea is great but not much really applies to this situation.
  8. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    What promise? Did they pinky swear? Spit on their palms and shook on it? They had plans he canceled, said providers did not really have a plan in case things fell through, they are not exactly faultless. It would be great if we could expect people to just do the right thing but we just can't. If a provider wants to avoid such things from happening she has to be communicative as possible and have a definitive plan in place.
  9. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    The point is they make it known. You read it, they tell you on the phone when you confirm. You are made aware. If you are not made aware is it still fair to pay?
  10. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    Lying is of no consequence when you are not owed the truth. The guy did not promise anything he canceled an appointment and now someone feels like they are owed. Have you monetarily compensated for every appointment you have ever missed? All appointments not just escorts. Is there any other business in the world that demands such an unreasonable cancellation fee without negotiating it first? Funny that you mention ethics because there was a real lack of it in this situation. If more ladies could look it at this as more of a business it would be treated that way. If you want to avoid this make a cancellation fee part of your business model. You don't make someone pay up because they were lying and you're stuck because you let yourself rely on one client.
  11. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    I said this in my other post but I will say it again. Whether or not his excuse is valid is really no concern of the provider and unless he was honest about being dishonest I would like to know how they found out he was lying. We as escorts are not owed explanations or even the truth when it comes to cancelling appointments we are owed respect and timeliness when cancelling but the gentleman's business is his own, just as our business and our real names are our own. We have to occasionally extend the same respect for discretion that we expect and to call someone out on whether or not their reason for cancelling was valid is a disrespect of their privacy. It sucks to get cancelled on, have a plan in place and don't make it personal because you feel like you have been lied to.
  12. Situation Question- Fair Opinions Please

    I can honestly say I don't know. It would seem that if the ladies were going to go to such lengths for one appointment this would have been negotiated before hand. What's the expression, don't count your chickens before they hatch or don't put all your eggs in one basket. I personally try to have a contingency plan. If you are going to make an hour long drive and spend the time and money to get someplace then I would say it's up to you and to not rely on one appointment. I think it would be unfair to ask the guy to do anything after the fact, there should have been discussion about a cancellation fee and a time frame in which was appropriate to cancel because of the drive time. Ok, so then let's say the guy calls and cancels in less than an hour of the set appointment time, when the ladies are already there, and checked in and ready for him. He claims to have a family emergency and claims that he now also has to head back to Denver asap for said "emergency". (which is later foud to be false) because he is still on vacation ...But only says "SORRY!" with no offer of compensation. I can't see where it is any business of the providers to verify whether or not his excuse was valid. We have all had to cancel appointments for various reasons and not everyone needs to know the reasons why. I don't know the circumstance but investigating into why someone cancelled on you, in my most humble of opinions, is poor behavior. Would it be nice for the guy to compensate, yes of course. I just don't think its fair to ask for something after the fact if the terms were never negotiated. The guy did screw up, he cancelled on fairly short notice and should have offered to compensate. The ladies screwed up too, they should have had a better plan in place and should not have relied so heavily on just one appointment, the guy cancelled just one appointment the ladies chose to waste the whole day. So I would say it's kind of a wash, the guy screwed up but the ladies left the opportunity for him to do so.
  13. Happy National Joke Day Aug 16

    An old couple was sitting on a porch swing enjoying a beautiful sunset. After sitting and reflecting for a while the wife leans over and punches her husband on his arm and tells him 'That's for 40 years of bad sex'. After a moment the husband returns the punch and says "That's for knowing the difference!' Old and corny I know. My favorite joke is about three scientists and a pig but I think you old timers probably know that one.
  14. Cuddling is fun.

    This to me seems like it should just be the natural progression of good sex. Everyone enjoys the wham bam thank you ma'am style every now and them, some all the time I guess, but I would say the vast majority require some sort of intimacy and foreplay before they can just dive right in and do the deed. Foreplay seems to be a thing of the past and its sad. As for cuddling, it's the best. I am a very tactile person and it does not get much better than full on body to body contact.
  15. movies that a hobbyist may enjoy.

    Well you had the name wrong but it does not change the fact that you have good taste! Dr. Strangelove was a childhood favorite which grew into an adult favorite when I was able to understand it!
  16. movies that a hobbyist may enjoy.

    It's Kubrick not Kramer!!!!!!! One of my favorite film makers along with Mel Brooks!
  17. DFK

    He did not have a good time, so he was supposed to lie because the provider is great? The reviewer did not sound butt hurt, he sounded like someone who paid a hundred bucks for something he did not really want and then posted an honest review about it. The rating is for the overall experience not the provider, the experience was not great but the provider was and I think that the reviewer did a great job of letting us know that. I don't think the provider will have a tarnished record. If anything the Not Good may work in her favor. Everyone who browses the reviews will read it, we all do. We all always want to know what made a session not good. This not good shines the provider in a very positive light and everyone is going to read it. It is interesting to see, when the system actually works people shit all over someone for being honest. There is obviously some misunderstanding as to what overall rating actually means and what it should be used for.
  18. Sophisticated

    No it's not.
  19. Sophisticated

    I could not agree more. The same goes for the word classy. Sophistication is less a label and more an attribute. A sophisticated escort will show that she is such through her actions, her advertising, the way she presents herself.
  20. The next ethnicity I'm going to bang

    Doesn't the saying go "It's all pink in the inside"?
  21. I am Semi-Retired from Hobbying

    Bulldog you are a good man. I really don't know what else to say. I am extremely happy you had this epiphany. Deciding what is right for your life and taking a step in that direction is always huge and deserves applause. I have a private response that I know is overdue but look for it!
  22. Why is it ironic to find it in the escorting world? Inquiring minds need to know. You don't think that men wanting to see you badly enough to PAY you to see you might be a little bit of a confidence boost? Here is my two cents, men really only ask that when they themselves are having a hard time finding a woman. Define loser for me too, loser is going to have a varying definitions for everyone. Do women really go for losers? Maybe they do, I think the truth is though, and true for both sexes, is that we aim for someone that makes us feel better about ourselves and that can be either positive or negative but it seems more often than not to be negative. Women "in general" are about as attracted to losers as men are to bimbos. Men "in general" really need to stop dwelling over this stereo-type. If you are consistently attracted to women who like losers then maybe it's time to redefine your tastes and qualities you like in a woman.
  23. Question about references via providers

    You said thanks for understanding and I didn't. I was not bitchy or did I rely on name calling. So if you want to move in that direction, remember it was you who started it. You expect me to respect you??? When you showed zero for me? Sorry my little sentences were so insulting, but I still don't understand you reasoning and I really don't have to respect it. Forgive me please if your system makes no sense to me, you can back off the attitude a peg or two.
  24. Question about references via providers

    I still don't understand, you expect providers to use your system but you don't seem at all willing to return the favor. It seems a little unfair to everyone involved to have it Destiny's way or no way.