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Everything posted by FatDog

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/10452327/Pubic-hair-is-back-ladies.-The-men-dont-care-and-the-women-cant-be-bothered.html
  2. Christmas Bonus/Gift Customary?

    i enrolled my atf in the jelly of the month club......it's the gift that keeps on giving.
  3. What happened to the (Angela) Aspen Agency?

    i really do miss aa discombobulated ramblings.
  4. I'd let deborah sherman be my roommate. oh wait, she got fired.
  5. Advertisement preference - minimalist or wordy

    minimal.......I don't want to hear about your education, touristy things to Denver.....blah, blah, blah..... like joe friday said, just the facts ma'am. decent pics, rates.
  6. 411: Tangie

    i'am a thug......guess she wont see me.
  7. Thinking out loud.... ......

    what's good for the goose is good for the gander, seems to me some providers could stand to grow a thicker skin.
  8. how is that even possible?
  9. Do you provide a shower?

    what about a golden shower?
  10. Amy Taylor

    does she have a 15 minute rate
  11. I gotta be honest......I like hairy underarms too.
  12. 411 on A Little Off the Top Salon

    not even a rub and tug
  13. New to Denver... Saying Hello! ;)

    do you have a website? if so put it in your signature.
  14. Should i move to Colorado?

    maybe. depends.
  15. Hello colorful Coloradans

  16. Does It Matter?

    no make up? I wouldn't go that far.......just don't overdue it on the perfume.
  17. Rant argh!!!!

    so, you didn't perform a service, and you kept his money......shouldn't that be considered theft?
  18. Strap-loving Gals

    so in other words, you want to get cornholed
  19. Rant argh!!!!

    anal warts.
  20. I thought it was because the aspen affair went belly up.