Kyla Young

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Everything posted by Kyla Young

  1. Sexually Intimidating.. WTF?

    +1 Angela Sex is supposed to be fun and regardless of 1 person's opinion.... Using humor and being silly tends to put a person at ease and make them more comfortable. Then there isn't an intimidation factor. Many moons ago I was dancing at a lower level club and was being ignored not making much money. Finally I started a friendship with one of the customers there and he told me that men were too intimidated to approach me for dances. I realized that what I thought was classy and being a lady (well as much as one can in this biz) was coming across as stuck up and intimidating especially when they heard pornstar attached to my name. I began being my smart alecky self and having fun at my own expense and guys saw that I wasn't as intimidating as they originally thought. That's harder to do here when its just a picture and a few written words. But I always do my best to put all clients at ease and to know I'm still that nerdy honor student with the big glasses and braces at heart. Kisses, Kyla
  2. Which Drink Are You???

    Thanks for all the replies. Let me clarify I don't drink very often. In fact hardly every. Those of you that have met me know I don't drink. I am a pepsi and water girl all the way. But I thought this was a fun topic and wasn't meant to be serious. I'll look and see if I can find one that works for non-alcoholic drinks since it seems I picked the wrong one lol Kisses, Kyla
  3. HAD TO SHARE WHICH ONE ARE YOU? I PERSONALY LOVE WHITE RUSSIANS BUT BECAUSE I'M A PASTRY CHEF I LOVE DESSERTS.... What you order on a date can definitely send a signal, whether or not it’s one you’re conscious of. Sure, the list below is mainly full of generalizations, but there’s some truth to every stereotype… Martini: If you’re a guy, you’re trying to impress (and it’s probably working). If you’re a girl drinking a dirty martini, you’re a hot mess: the dirtier, the messier, the hotter. Vodka on the Rocks: Too self-conscious to actually order a martini. White Russian: Obsessed with The Big Lebowski, and probably The Daily Show. Or, you just like to drink dessert. Bud Light: You’re easy going, laid back, and at home at a sports bar. If you’re a girl, you know how to hang with the guys. Stella Artois: You have no particular knowledge or affinity towards beer so you just order “Stella” cause it’s familiar. Lillet/Campari/Aperol: You’re twee, and possibly like to throw around words like “mixology.” Vodka Cranberry: When in doubt, you stick to what you drank in college. White Wine: You’re definitely a woman. You’re possibly a little uptight. Prosecco: You’re often a little uptight, but tonight you’re looking to party. Whiskey, neat: You’re hot. Regardless of gender. Jager: Secretly wishing you were hanging out with your buddies. Vodka Gimlet: You’re a huge dork, but you hope sort of in a cool way? Appletini: You’ve left the kids with a sitter and you’re ready to have fun! Pimm’s Cup: You’re an Anglophile. Old-Fashioned: Mad Men is your favorite show: you either want to be, or have sex with, Don Draper. Margarita, on the rocks: You’ve decided to have a good time tonight. Margarita, frozen: You’re in Cabo. PBR: You’re drinking quickly on your way to a non-profit fundraiser, followed by a poetry reading in a former industrial warehouse. Tequila Shots: You’re either getting laid, or just getting through it. Long Island Iced Tea: You have a drinking problem. A beer, while at a Cocktail Bar: Overprotective of your manhood or unadventurous. A cocktail, while at a dive bar: Insufferable. Which is yours Kisses, Kyla
  4. Which Drink Are You???

    LOL thats awesome. I know a few people who fit the bill for some of those drinks too. I do know that the vodka cranberry was the drink in college, lol