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Everything posted by mj76

  1. Will Obamacare affect your spending?

    I voted Who gives a crap. I'm not getting it. I'm not sure what the punishment will be but I guess I'll take my chances. I've always been healthy so at my age it's a huge waste of money.
  2. Queefing

    Not a big deal for me. I'll just ignore it and keep going.
  3. would you

    Nope, cleaning is just not a sexy activity. My cleaning person comes in while I'm gone and when I come home I have a nice clean house. It would be a huge waste of time watching her clean and getting nothing out of it.
  4. In call vs. outcall

    Incall. My neighbors know me too well and might wonder why different women are visiting.
  5. I suspect each woman is different. In my limited travels I have found women in their late 20s to early 30s to be very close to her prime if not there already. They seem to be more in tune with their bodies and can share the experience better or possibly they are just better actresses. For me there is just something missing from the younger women.
  6. Mostly money but also fear of LE.
  7. No, intellect does not matter. That's not what I'm there for. I'm looking for friendly and fun.
  8. If you had to pick one...

    I'd choose body. Her body is what gets me to call and a mix of nice body and good personality is what gets me to return.
  9. Dating

    Why stop? Most relationships fail so keep hobbing and if it get serious then you can consider stopping. If she's not good in bed move on. People don't take criticism well so most likely any communication on this subject will probably just lead to problems.
  10. I like the slutty pics and the modest ones. Lots of variety is good and I like the very unprofessional cell phone pics because in my exp those are the closest to what you are going to see when you get there. I have to admit that after seeing the professional pics I am sometimes a tad disappointed when the door opens. That usually fads quickly though when the fun starts and 99% of the time I walk away very happy.
  11. That's funny. There is a lot of truth in many of those and especially number 32 for me.
  12. Yay or boo?

    Wow, those must be some whiny ass guys that probably should have been born with a vagina instead. With all tugging I do my foreskin should be fully intact by now. I must be doing something wrong there. Guess I'll go practice some more.
  13. ATF just wants DATY and that's it!!

    I doubt most guys would be ok with this. I love DATY but as part the whole experience not as the only activity. Find a new ATF.
  14. Yay or boo?

    Not sure I care about others being circumcised or not but I read somewhere you lose a quarter inch when circumcised. I'm thinking about suing my mom, I sure could use that quarter inch back!
  15. Provider Solicitation

    I have providers contact me on occasion. My guess is it's just marketing. Contacting previous customers to generate a little extra income is nothing new to business.
  16. Lingerie

    I don't mind lingerie but to be honest I don't really even notice what they wear. I could careless cause it's going to hit the floor anyways. I would just ask when you make the appointment or if you have P411 put in in there and ask that they look at your profile. Maybe 1 out of 4 look at my profile but maybe they would be more likely to look if I asked them to.
  17. Seems like a good time for a photo opp and then I'll quietly slink outta there. https://encyclopediadramatica.se/index.php?title=File:Teabagging_a_chick_2.jpg&oldid=438742
  18. Time of day

    My preference is for evening time between 7 and 9. It's very hard for me to get away during the day so there have been many ladies that I have not been able to see because their working hours are the same as mine.
  19. Learning to love TF

    It's not my first choice but I don't mind TF. As long as she has a good attitude I'm sure I'll have a good time.
  20. Breast size by country...

    I think I'll head to South America or Australia.
  21. I get none of these. I'm pretty low maintenance and could cut this list to four. Listen to him - If she doesn't want to that's OK but then don't wine about your shitty day to me. Give him positive feedback - Isn't really necessary but how about not bitching about the 1 thing that I did incorrectly out of all the stuff I did do correctly. Remember what your mom said: If you don't have anything nice to say shut your fucking mouth. Be more vocal in bed - Or just give me a hint on what you want. I don't need directions but I'm also not a mind reader. Stay in good shape - Cause I try.
  22. A 2 hour gal??? What are we going to do with the extra 117 minutes:confused::D
  23. Why No Black Men

    Search the board for the many posts about this beat to death subject. There is no good answer on why so just move on to the next.
  24. No Show Excuse

    I disagree, it's very likely someone would cancel because their dog was sick. To you it may just be a dog and not worth much but to many people their pets are family.