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Everything posted by infinity

  1. I used to be active few years back under the name(Harpo). I am surprised of the inflation of donation requested. This is Denver not Manhattan or Beverly Hills!
  2. I just joined and it seems that I am a good catch (sarcastic of course). I did not buy any credits yet. Have you ever tried it?
  3. Inflation of donation !

    In the same book (Superfreakonomics),authors mentioned that in 1910 1of 50 women in their twenties was a(part time lover).Statistics derived from DOJ !. The authors talked about the butterflies girls brothel run by 2 sisters were making $ 400 a week, equivalent of $ 430,000 a year (2009 year). The authors talked about how oral sex was way more expensive than intercourse.This reminded me of a Ted Talk . A psychologist told an interesting story where a college student told her that a follow student wanted her to kiss him and she refused because she does not like him. To the surprise of the psychologist,the student added : I gave him a blow job instead!

    I like your mantra! Dental health is extremely important,however,some will perform unnecessary work.2 years ago,I decided to switch dentist because she found a cavity (there was none) On the first visit,he wanted to extract 3 teeth!I have all my teeth and had no pain. I think I found a solution,I choose a dentist who is part of a major hospital.He/she is less likely to perform work not required. I can not believe that those who are supposed to be held to a higher standard would be unethical. In urban areas where birth rate is low,more Caesarean section is performed! Google it.
  5. Inflation of donation !

    I remember few of the user names and yours is one of them. What happened to (too Big )? He was interesting character to say the least.....good days! I was away
  6. Ladies FYI regarding Cash App