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Everything posted by HeavenlyBellaCO

  1. Best DATY in Colorado

    Wow….you REALLY NEED HELP🤔
  2. Bye Colorado HELLO WORLD💕

    This isn’t a tour but thank you🙏
  3. Bye Colorado HELLO WORLD💕

    I wish her luck if she moved to CO🙏
  4. Bye Colorado HELLO WORLD💕

    I won’t be returning to CO but thank you, when lies are told about you it makes you not want to return. Why return to a place that people attack you? It’s not worth it… there is a BIG WORLD outside CO and this hobby, I’m about to ENJOY the rest of my life🙏🙏🙏🙏
  5. Bye Colorado HELLO WORLD💕

    Unfortunately I will not visit CO after this💔
  6. Price of Gasoline

    I just paid 5.21 a gallon when I finally found a gas station that had gas available 😳
  7. When you see a provider/client out in the public?

    I would have slept with his wife if that accounts for her appearance…and yes he called the next day and we did a role Play of the night before with a naughty twist🔥
  8. Positive Thoughts and Inspirational Quotes

    I’m wishing everyone Peace and Love 💕 My time has ended here in CO and it’s time for me to continue on my Spiritual Journey of growth and prosperity 🙏Namaste
  9. Due to all the negative things happening around us in today’s world I thought a channel for Inspiring thoughts or quotes would be nice to see🙏 I’ve written a few myself share what inspires you if you like too🙏
  10. Happy Birthday Heavenly Bella

    I did and thank you VERY MUCH💋
  11. Funny Thought

    Or shows you who is worthy to be in your life and who doesn’t 🙏
  12. Ladies Beware

    I think a lady has all the right in this world to do what makes her feel comfortable. I feel if a gentleman wants to truly see and enjoy a lady’s company he’ll want her to feel comfortable as well🙏That only intensifies the time together to be a much more enjoyable time together🔥
  13. Holding to HIGHER Standards

    In line with HIGHER STANDARDS I think integrity and HONESTY are another point to make. If you are posting current pics not ones from years ago. Be truthful to yourself as well as others and it’ll go a long way love💋
  14. Question: No Confirmation No Booking ?

    I’m sorry that has happened to you🙏I hope you find the lady that will treat you right💋
  15. Unexpected Orgasm

    I witnessed one with a lady I was dating back East. She didn’t tell me she was a squirter apparently because she didn’t know. While DATY I heard a popping sound and moved my head before a gush came out. She looked down mortified and and I looked up smiling😈💦
  16. Avoiding attention at a hotel

    That’s why you take the stairs instead of the elevator when you leave sexy💋
  17. When you see a provider/client out in the public?

    What about when providers run into clients when the client is with their SO? And the provider is on a date with another client?😳 that was an experience to remember I tell ya… The one client that was with his family acted very scared and was edgy with his family….and the client I was with noticed the guy darting his eyes to me then to his SO… my date asked me if I knew him I simply smiled and said no…. Later that night the client with his family texted me saying he was shocked to run into me…. And then he proceeded to tell me that he was turned on seeing me with someone else and how badly he wanted me…. Now that is a moment to remember🔥
  18. Tell me about money

    Wellll…. That’s what VIP memberships are for… multi visits a month that’s wallet friendly 😈
  19. Unexpected Orgasm

    As am I🔥😈🔥
  20. ABSOLUTELY 🔥I have several friends I’ve seen that have ROCKED MY WORLD💦And then I end up sleeping on my couch for a few days so my bed can dry out😂🤣😂
  21. What is YOUR KINK?

    Another kink is getting all dressed up in a sexy short dress with killer heels with no panties and going to the produce department….walk past a couple and drop something and bed over so they can both get a show🔥🔥🔥Then slowly walk over to the cucumbers and start fondling them like I’m going to do VERY NAUGHTY things with them. I then slyly smile as the wife and ask her if she knows anything about picking the perfect cucumber? Bow chica bow wow 😈😈😈
  22. Happy Birthday Heavenly Bella

    And a very belated thank you sexy💋
  23. Positive Thoughts and Inspirational Quotes

    Amen sister 🙏👏🏼🙏
  24. Happy Birthday Heavenly Bella

    Thank you sweetie💋