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Everything posted by ForeverACowboy

  1. Happy Holidays 2022

    Merry Christmas to all of our lovely TOB Ladies out there! Hoping you have a wonderful day with family/friends and a Happy New Year in 2023. We are all blessed to have you in our lives!
  2. Anyone else here been screwed with nonstop lately?

    Just saying, sounds like Karma caught up to you!
  3. Stock Show Time

    I’ll give y’all lovely ladies a 😉, if our paths cross at the Stockshow!
  4. What Are You Reading?

    Night of the Grizzlies, by Jack Olsen.
  5. Happy Halloween

    Happy Halloween TOB members! Hope everyone got to enjoy some candy, in one way or another ! Turkey day is coming up next, hoping there will be some pie specials on November’s menu
  6. hello

    Hello Eric, I’m fairly new to the TOB as well. Same boat, my 1st post and review seemed to take a while before approved by mods. Best advice is always be a gentleman, from first contact thru then end of the appointment. Treat our ladies with the upmost respect. And have fun!
  7. What is Going On Here?

    Hello TOB Members! I’m new to the group, but started in this Hobby this past spring. I’ve been browsing this site for a couple of years now and finally decided to pull the trigger. Since starting, I’ve oppted to play once a month with reputable/well reviewed providers. I’ve meet a few special ladies so far. But lately I’ve had a spell of bad luck. And wondering if this is a common trend here in Denver. Let me explain; 2 ghost appointments after agreed upon meetings, several non replies to recent post (2 yesterday), and 2 appointments cut short after donation given (ladies forgot about the extended time we agreed on). I've been reading these Forum post for a couple of years now. Thought I understood all the rules regarding this hobby, prior to starting. I’m a gentleman through and through, show upmost respect and gratitude to each provider I’ve meet thus far. I’m always polite and introduce myself during first contact and send a current photo after appointments are scheduled. Any words of wisdom from the veterans would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. What is Going On Here?

    I’m learning that lotion is way cheaper than this hobby! Another major let down encounter this evening, even after weeks of planning and 2 previous appointments. Searching for a new ATF that can/willing to last a session.
  9. What is Going On Here?

    Thanks for everyone’s comments! I’ll figure this hobby out with time.
  10. I want to say hi to everyone in Denver

    Welocme. Hope you get outdoors and enjoy our awesome Colorado!