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About Lund

  • Rank
    Prodigious understanding of TOB principles

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  1. Chill and get a life. I don’t need any certificates- I know my responsibilities and human decency which I have been following religiously which I don’t need to share with anyone as I know what I am doing and the best what I can do. I have been tired of explaining and don’t want more discussion as some people will always be pointing at me, no matters what. So, keep asking questions, I am not liable to answer you. I did what I was supposed to.
  2. You are no one to ask me a question and I am not liable to answer that to you.
  3. Thank you for understanding the situation otherwise I was marked as a negative character. I am making sure not to connect with others though I know I am out from the quarantine period.
  4. Too many questions. Fever after 3 days meeting the provider, which clearly indicates that I was infected by her because of my lifestyle as I didn’t meet or came close to anyone other than her. She may not have symptoms when we met. My isolation is already over but I am still keeping myself isolated to avoid contact with others to spread it further, so you can’t call me irresponsible.
  5. Well! COVID is not just about the death but about the pain and problems which I experienced recently. I went to meet a provider after posting the above and then found myself in fever within next 2 days. I am not sure how this provider is doing, but I get infected which was one of the worst thing that happened with me. Yes I am alive and will be back to normal, but believe me guys- nobody wants to feel the pain and agony I went through. It makes you very weak after when you recover from the symptoms. Stay safe and protect yourself. I am out from isolation but will still keep distance from others for at least another month, though the body ache also don’t allow me to go out.
  6. Pillows, Cold, Halloween

    Haha. This may leak.
  7. I was keeping myself out from the hobby because of pandemics and fear of infection. How you guys are keeping yourself in the hobby? Need some suggestions.
  8. What do you do after the deed is done?

    Yes. Definitely. :))
  9. British airways bathroom- fantasied by a crew member.
  10. Fwb

    I shared apartment with a girl when I was in VA and helped her to pay her rent a few times. She wasn’t in the business and I have good memories about her. Missing VA.
  11. Other Hobby Sites

    I stick to tob only.
  12. 411 on Lexi Fox - BANNED

    Lexi fox 720-534-1313 Colorado Companion Looks to be an updated phone number I have seen her posts a few times but no reviews except reviewer who has just reviewed her. Does anyone know if she is legit?