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Posts posted by Denvernative

  1. Mine happened last summer. I was driving my friend and her son, and her parents. We were stopped at one of the lights for merging from one highway to another. I saw a semi with 20+ foot trailer barreling towards us and I couldn’t move forward or sideways. I knew it couldn’t stop in time and didn’t know what else to do but watch. But somehow he managed to verve into the shoulder just enough so that he missed us. The front of the semi stopped to the right of the car even with the edge of the back seat. We would have been crunched between it and the car ahead of us. I didn’t even get to say anything because the traffic finally moved. I never said anything to anyone else in the car and they never knew how close we were to being in a major accident. 


  2. Doesn’t matter when you learned mathematics, you should have been taught the order of operations in the form of PEMDAS. Parentheses first, then any exponents, then multiplication and division as a group going from left to right and finally addition and subtraction as a group going from left to right. 

    So 8➗2x(2+2)  would then become


    next would be the division and multiplication going left to right so you do the division first getting 

    4 and now the equation is 

    4x(4) and finally that multiplication results in the answer of 16


    Sorry for being so long winded but it’s the math teacher in me!



