
TOB Member
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Everything posted by tide32

  1. What are your favorite car shows in the US

    Depends on what you like and if your looking to just look or wanting to buy. Summer is the best time in Colorado.
  2. Is it me?

    I grew up in different times and it would take to much time to explain it. If you don't communicate with people, face to face, how can you care about them.
  3. 411

    I was kinda thinking the same thing. She seemed to be lost and couldn't figure out where she fit in. Hope she finds what she's looking for.
  4. 411 - Sofia

    If you've seen her twice, why no review. If you see someone and don't past a review, then who's the hater here.
  5. Cum - sexy or no?

    That's me!!! An open book of knowledge!
  6. Cum - sexy or no?

    Not sexy but once it seemed funny. The young lady once said "i felt bubbles". We both started laughing laughing so hard we cried. Was that sexy, funny or ssd? I still laugh about it when it crosses my mind.
  7. 411 Vivid Vivian

    She's been around but no reviews on really anything else. I diid notice a 40% deposit required. No thanks!!
  8. To Review or not To Review

    Not really. Too me, I just read between the lines and have come to realize we're only seeing the good parts, and, that to me, make me not trust trust the good. So that, brings us back to square one. What good are reviews if the reviewer picks and chooses which reviews they post. Just imagine posting a bad review on a new provider with friends on here. What kind of shit-stom would that unleash!! FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!
  9. To Review or not To Review

    It could be the bazillian guys standards ,may not be that high. But to say liar is a little rough. We're all adults here and we know how the game is played. We sometimes go along, to, get along. Doesn't matter what anyone says out loud, writing a bad review, always has consequences and we all know it.

    Great to hear the good news. We don't realize how short and precious life is, until get a glimpse of the end of the road. It changes your whole prospective on how you look at everything. Congratulations Bob!!
  11. Missed retired providers

    Busty Monica still has an add up on P411.
  12. Missed retired providers

    Jade, Thalia, Nabinna, Beautiful Bella, Camille Ash and Cortney.
  13. To Review or not To Review

    What's with the profanity!!! I'm offended now!!
  14. TOB Pet Peeves

    Forgot to mention that, Destiny, got so many, three day suspensions, Colorado almost went to a four day work week.
  15. TOB Pet Peeves

    True. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. TOB was a fun place to connect with other hobbyists/providers to share stories and jut a great place to get to know the ladies. It was just lighthearted fun. Destiny was one of the funniest ladies around. To this day, I laugh when I think about her.
  16. TOB Pet Peeves

    Boink took it with him. He could dish it out as good as he got it.
  17. To Review or not To Review

    It depend on what you would consider reputable. It's just your word against hers and If she did her research on you, would she consider you reputable. People are funny these days and make quick judgments on others. May-be she'll read this and respond. Either way, your on her naughty list. I'd like to hear what one of the ladies think about it. We're men and use to being in the doghouse. LOL
  18. Wide Open Border

    Really, I guess I thought it was another "get the illegals out" thread!! Sorry about that guys.
  19. Ed meds

    So! Your about 75 years young, so I would agree with the, ask your doctor route. I would at least ask a doctor what would happen if you take something like that. https://rockymountainmensclinic.com/what-we-treat/#erectile-dysfunction/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=treatments_denver&gclid=CjwKCAiAv9ucBhBXEiwA6N8nYPZ-uqV58RqhZpaDMV-fdI4xLnxU5pe928zZBpnfZqR57UhUUmO3fRoCl3UQAvD_BwE
  20. Your first world nemesis.

    Just give it a little twist as you put in on the twisted bread bag.
  21. Your first world nemesis.

    Use a utility knife and go around the base where the plastic and paper meet.