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Posts posted by lustybustygina

  1. I like the longer times booked , just gives us more time to get to know each other with BCD Activity 

    after all this is kinda like a blind dating ... 

    I like to get a feel for the gent over the phone and I make time to chat before hand .

    I try to set a time where we are both able to chat , I'm a time manager so taking time to chat is't going to make me  late for any thing or any one , 

    If you know how to manage your time cheating a bit should be easy .

    And yes I have let a few off the hook for  chat live and just text after screening is done 

    But every lady has her own way of doing things ...



  2. On 6/27/2019 at 6:15 AM, Laci French said:

    If I feel like I’m leading the conversation towards scheduling I will just delete.  There will be plenty of time to really get to know each other and connecting after the date is scheduled.

    The gents need to realize we are getting so many messages a day that we cannot possibly chit-chat with everyone.   

    ^ 100% you should see my text records and I don't what text's from strangers ,  




  3. OP what ever you do or don't do .. "Reading is your best friend first and for most  do you're home work "

    1. Don't go are you Available in a text, most of us do screening , and it can take sometime so plan ahead and my be get screened a few days before known as Per Screening . That way if you're a last mint guy you're good to go if she is a Available ,

    2. Introduce your self with handle and (First name real or fake ) right away 

    3. Tell her you sent a PM  from TOB or P411 and send screening info , to witch should be on her AD what she requires .

    4.Don't text when she has NO TEXT  on ad or web site 

    My self I don't want Texting , till you're screened 

    I want to hear how you carry you're self on the phone or with a chat before I go on to screening .

    Chatting can tell you a lot about the person on the other end .  

    I don't go on the Gent's reviews or 100 Okays on P411 . I'll still send out a refes check , just asking if she repeat with gent XYZ. 

    I fine chit chat texting is for TW ,, just my own thing 

    Get to the point with being  a gentlemen and with no  Explicit Questions .

    I'm a TCB   lady .. 


  4. On 6/25/2019 at 10:07 PM, BigBaldBlk said:

    There are a few social media sites I'm on, and a few I have no desire to join, but are you familiar with Linktree?  It's a smart way to link all of one's social media sites into one place.  There is nothing more frustrating trying to find out info on someone and have to bounce around to their SM sites only to find some are updated and some are not.  Linktree is a container for all SM sites.

    Here is an example.  What are your thoughts?

    Nice Im going to check it out ,, Hey BBB a big hi to you long time stranger .
