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Everything posted by lustybustygina

  1. A couple of new faces...

    Thank you love..
  2. A couple of new faces...

    Thank You Love
  3. A couple of new faces...

    I been here from 2018 but had my email wrong and could never log on so 2-3 weeks ago I sent a email and got the help I need to change my email so now im here , learning the site
  4. Does a connection count?

    I like the longer times booked , just gives us more time to get to know each other with BCD Activity after all this is kinda like a blind dating ... I like to get a feel for the gent over the phone and I make time to chat before hand . I try to set a time where we are both able to chat , I'm a time manager so taking time to chat is't going to make me late for any thing or any one , If you know how to manage your time cheating a bit should be easy . And yes I have let a few off the hook for chat live and just text after screening is done But every lady has her own way of doing things ...
  5. I've been getting a LOT of flakes lately...

    OP what ever you do or don't do .. "Reading is your best friend first and for most do you're home work " 1. Don't go are you Available in a text, most of us do screening , and it can take sometime so plan ahead and my be get screened a few days before known as Per Screening . That way if you're a last mint guy you're good to go if she is a Available , 2. Introduce your self with handle and (First name real or fake ) right away 3. Tell her you sent a PM from TOB or P411 and send screening info , to witch should be on her AD what she requires . 4.Don't text when she has NO TEXT on ad or web site My self I don't want Texting , till you're screened I want to hear how you carry you're self on the phone or with a chat before I go on to screening . Chatting can tell you a lot about the person on the other end . I don't go on the Gent's reviews or 100 Okays on P411 . I'll still send out a refes check , just asking if she repeat with gent XYZ. I fine chit chat texting is for TW ,, just my own thing Get to the point with being a gentlemen and with no Explicit Questions . I'm a TCB lady ..
  6. Linktree...I'm a fan!

    Nice Im going to check it out ,, Hey BBB a big hi to you long time stranger .
  7. Tips for First Timer

    Wow TOB has a lot if good folks giving good in tell , I like it
  8. Hello

    TOB Nice Welcome wagon ..
  9. I am a Snob

    I'll take Sprouts over WF any day , I shop Sprouts from time to time ..
  10. Eco-friendly sex?

    Had a guy once take his with him rolled up in TP looked like a baseball when he was done I asked why take it .. No DNA left behind , not sure what he did with it after he left
  11. What's your new Netflix Addiction?

    The AMC Show Hell On Wheels