still looking2

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Everything posted by still looking2

  1. Eccie?

    Getting back on topic some what which is eccie. Ol' shep wasn't well liked on eccie either..
  2. I'm a Prepper

    Thats the thing! No one knows for sure! New uncharted waters!
  3. Eccie?

    The gentlemen sirs will rise again.........
  4. Eccie?

    I will not debate this! Its funny how ONLY the ck followers will defend him! Everyone else knows the real truth! I could go on but it would be borderline outting, so i won't. I could come with hard facts but that too is against tobs guidelines! Just be careful with any of these sites right now as we are headed into uncertain times soon! Indys is gone now as well! ck proved he could not be trusted when Amber {rip} ran his ass off for setting up his network and mailing address and running aspd into the ground! Her family found this out as well ! Very sad!!
  5. Eccie?

    Ck has many, many enemies! Going back to aspd days! Ck comes across as one who cares about providers! This is a lie! Its all for his gain! ck has many contacts that in turn gets ladies "invited" to his socials where they meet ck's network; so to speak! This is where oh2 comes in handy! Get the picture? Ck claims he does this not for a profit! This is a joke!! When he falls, his many followers will turn on him in a heartbeat! This is where his carelessness will spell the doom for oh2!
  6. Eccie?

    Be very leary and careful of ck's site!!
  7. Eccie?

    Now when attempting to log into eccie you will get re directed to adult search! Time will tell.........
  8. Eccie?

    oh2 will never be able to fill the void! ck is way too controlling! Eccie will be missed! The gentleman sirs need to rise again!!!!
  9. Disrespectful sites.

    this has to be the worst fuck site I have ever seen.. it is clear that you all are running the scam just to promote one another.. I hope no one investigates?? delete my account you bunch of hypocritical tranny humpers. this place is full of a buncg of faggits and whiners, including the mods. and admin.. the rules only apply for those not in the circle. taking posting and messageing privs.. away like a bunch of Nazis.. you all are cowards and faggits.. probably a bunch ot ts's that are admin... bunch of ball less queers.. delete my account kaduk and boinker, you all have to be trannie fucking queers.. delete my account
  10. A couple of good things will come of all this.. 1. Provider Prices have gotten outta of hand, and services have dropped. Hopefully these ladies and ts's will learn from all of this and stop being so lazy.. Prices should drop drastically now as desperation sets in.. Menus will now be wide open and 1 Benjamin will get an hour +; as it should be..These ladies have gotten lazy, so now if they want to eat they will have to hit the streets and walk it. like the old days.. Providers will now have to actually give top performance and actually have good bcd skills. Lastly ts's and ladies buy your walking shoes now before its too late.. You have been warned......... The ladies who are too lazy or can't adjust will have to retire or adjust.. OR SIMPLY GET A j-o-b......... confessionals will be held occasionally, so father ts sl will hear your sins
  11. Special TS forum

    I would like to recommend that tob create a special TS forum for us who like to party on the wild side. What do you all thinck
  12. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    that is father ts sl !! I forgive your thread hijacking unneccesary rudeness and being off topic
  13. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    most of my reviews were specials to get the lady verified.. my reviews always carried a lot of weight. A no review from me usually meant to move on.. you all need to ask around about me.. I can walk in any major strip club coast to caost, and be seated immediately in vip. drink and have ladies around me all night for free.. the trolls under the bridge?? Theres already a lot of sw's there.. soon you all will be too if you don't stop posting, and start hitting the pavement hahahahhahaha
  14. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    people stop.. i'am not dr. save a ho father ts sl says it is time for the rock throwers to look in the mirror. get back on topic or get out..
  15. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    IT is thread counts that sells folks, I carried the las vegas forums on eccie for years.. And was must see tv in the Austin,san Antonio, kc eccie forums as well. You all want discussion but cannot stay on topic.. thread hijacking is what it is.. back on topic yes this new threat in sesta fosta poses a danger to the ladies. but it also gives them time to look at there poor life decisions.. The ones who stay in the business will be better prepared the next time this happens. no matter what we are all affected, however now is the time for the cream of the crop {pun intended} to rise and to slough off the rest..
  16. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    Second rate is how I respond. You all are the rejects are whiners of other boards, plain to see. can we stay on topic.. this is a good thing happening folks. 3 bills for real sw level talent. NO. After the dust settles the prices should stable off at a better rate for all concerned.. But they will still be too high. the competition will hopefully thin out the bad frat and over the hill providers.. win win for everyone. and the ts's will have more suitors calling. this is what father ts sl calls a fair market for all
  17. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    can we clean up the language please?? i'am a hobby god.. I do not pay for providers.. they come to me ..again stay on topic and stop attacking a poster you do not agree with
  18. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    why?? Prices out of hand and too many lazy providers. This should weed out the bad ones.. This is a good thing.. kinda like a big purge. in a few weeks/months everything will be back to normal.. chillax people and let it happen and calm down.. with over 400 reviews and living the life, it would be wise to listen to father ts sl
  19. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    appearantly you all cannot follow your own rules?? hahahahahahahah asking to ban members openly in a forum can result in mod. action
  20. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    First few comments touched a nerve and hit close to home !!? Good ladies and ts's have had too good for two long.. I encourage a market shake-up, as it was long over due.. this should weed out the ones that feel the need to post on hooker boards
  21. Prices dropping and shoes are hard too find

    This is what i'am talking about.. You all have the negativity, and jump right on the band wagon.. stay on topic please, and if you don't agree or like it 1. tuff 2. ignore and say/post nothing 3. comment logically or rtm
  22. More changes

    Is this hooker logic??
  23. TOB is dead

    everybody is all touchy feely here. it's like a church. the people cannot stand the old eccie users
  24. Special TS forum

    father ts sl will hear your sins now my child
  25. I had 400 reviews, partied with the mods, knew the owners of eccie it had its run.. in time another will take its placed..