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About nocofun15

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  1. Jessica GFE Rabbit 720-605-2112 Colorado Companion I have seen this ad pop up fairly regularly on STG in Fort Collins and am wondering if she is legit. When searching by phone number, nothing hits here on TOB. Searching by name returns what looks to be a different lady all together. Appreciate any feedback or tips on improving my research if I missed something obvious. Thanks.
  2. 411 on Kennedy Marie

    I met with her earlier this year when she was running different BP ads in the FoCo area. (No review posted as I wasn't yet a member.) My recommendation would be a no due to strong upsell and that we were not a good match, which happens from time to time. Pictures are real though. As always, YMMV. If she posts a 971 number, might be worth checking out any of the remaining boards for the Portland, OR area to see if she has any history in that market.
  3. FBSM Recommendations

    In Northern CO, I have had good luck with