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Everything posted by MeganMarie4u

  1. You need to see a mental health specialist
  2. Broken fucking record. And a clown. How do you not get sick of repeating yourself? There's no way you don't see how annoying you are....😂
  3. Shut the fuck up. Take that to the bank. You had nothing new to add you just had to repeat yourself AGAIN. nobody here is taking advice from you. 🙃🤣 Your poor ATF. If you repeat yourself this much irl I bet she couldn't wait for that hour to be over
  4. As many times as you've said it it really becomes unbelievable 🙃🤡
  5. 411 on Vivian

    Doesn't sound like she blocked you. Sounds like her phone is shut off
  6. When you speak french i quit reading. 😊
  7. 300hr in NY. It all checks out now. You saw her 78x cuz you were taking advantage of her time and of her as a person. Disgusting behavior. As if we didn't all know you were a dumpster fire?

    If they don't catch them in the act what will they charge them with? Dressing slutty in public? Lol if you can wear it to the pool you can wear it on the street.. I've never seen tits out only ass
  9. I can't stop laughing at the fact that you saw the same girl 78x and complained about spending 2k all in the same breath. You boast about her wearing extravagant clothing (which you obviously weren't paying for) and you think the genuinely enjoyed your company when her other clients were buying her better gifts than you were? Lol you were just riding the coat tails of all the other guys she "genuinely" enjoyed lol It's mind blowing that you don't see how unintelligent you sound even when using the only French phrase you know 17x ...repetition seems very important to you. 😂🤡😂🤡😂🙄🙄🙄 I think you're one of the only people impressed by the whipped cream enema you were giving/receiving
  10. I'm bored with your 17 page responses.. like you can't just be straight to the point and move on? Is that all the French you know? I'm unimpressed 😊
  11. COLFAX

    At any given time you can see 5+ ladies on the block. If you go after dark like after 10pm the whole mood changes and they're twerking in their stripper shoes. But during the day it's full blown thong bikinis or the tiniest mini skirts. It's interesting to say the least!
  12. Please tell me this is a joke. You sound like a stalker. And like you thought you were her husband 😂
  13. The double spacing is unnecessary. You being a true gentlemen or an expert at anything is questionable....because....well. you can't back up anything you've said so far. 😂 on this board, you're a troll. Nothing more. Because you've contributed not a single thing to anything. 😂
  14. Did I stutter when I said I'm not reading your fucking novel?
  15. Laci French

    The whites left?! 👀 please tell me that was a typo.
  16. I'm not reading your fucking novel. If you can't simply answer the question of why tf you're here.... since you're on the Opposite side of the country where 2k will get you next to nothing (you sound dumb honestly) ... you can respectfully shut the fuck up and go back to USASG. 🙃🤡
  17. Slow times mean more you time. Do more for yourself. Because you deserve it ❤️
  18. So if I'm bald you're out? 😂 jk I've never been bold enough to shave my head
  19. I'm a natural dark brunette. I went blonde one time and I feel like I agree that men really like blondes because "they have more fun" 😂 jk your hair doesn't affect how fun you are. But people don't realize the up keep for blonde is almost not worth it. I'll never go blonde again in my life. I hope it picks up for you! Summers are always hit or miss... with families traveling and kids out of school sometimes seeing providers takes a back seat. I feel it's the same during the holidays
  20. Only a lady who doesn't read the forum will see him. I wish I could give a negative reference just for funsies....😂 P.s. to everyone who says don't feed the troll... sometimes I just wake up and choose to stir the pot. It keeps shit interesting!
  21. So why tf are you even here. 😂 imagine thinking she genuinely likes you when you're crying over 2k 😂😂😂 It's giving Splenda daddy. Seeking arrangements cred
  22. Still waiting for you to review one of the local ladies.... for that tob cred. 🙃🤡
  23. I'll die on the hill.... where I'm screaming you're suspicious. You're a fake and likely a previously banned member who is here just to be fucking annoying.
  24. I'm not reading all that... even seeing your name is triggering....🙃 Au contraire. Take your ass to France..... unless..... unless.... blah blah blah. She really liked me. 🤡
  25. I swear to God if you turn this into a post of you saying the same shit 4753 times about you and your ATF that genuinely enjoyed hanging out with you 78x. I'm gonna lose my shit.